Someone spiked my drink!
From an old PST competition...
For: mixed manipulations 3 contest
From an old PST competition...
For: mixed manipulations 3 contest
:) Edit: Elephant removed
Credits to: candymax-stock axy-stock lisajen-stock shibies
For: violin contest
source and photoshop only..., please watch the high resolution before voting... :-)
For: stone face contest
That 'thing' is very dangerous... Do not stare at him for a long time... He is going to hide the magic ball over that pit... lol... (Source and photoshop only...)
For: metal globe contest
Plot: When the Sun stops burning, the Earth is invaded by the robots (nothing strange, huh :D?) and they plan to obtain all the energy on the Earth. They developed a new breed of robot built by only wires. But the wires are made of special material, which can change the physical properties when they...
For: metal globe contest
For: two seagulls contest
Source image and Photoshop
For: kitchen view contest
Spring winds call Soon the dragonflies Thank you to Lucretia-stock and Alegion-stock! Sky overlay image is my own - see SBS Step 2. Permission for stock use SBS Step 8. Tried sugge
For: mixed manipulations 1 contest
Thanks to: - T. Tulic and J. Charles Cuvelier @ Photoxpress; - tibchris, paparutzi, The ChainMaille Lady and notahandbag @ Flickr; - allergyfre @; - jana koll @ RGBStock; - Reference:
Also used:Milk Carton- Dora Mitsonia- Davide Guglielmo- Ove Topfer- Kriss Szkurlatowski- Frank alfababy-http://alfababy.devia...
For: kabooza contest
Only the source image is used
For: dust bin contest
Dimitar Tzankov- Paul Kemp- Tim Parkinson- gc85- Thanks guys for the resources.
For: menhirs contest
For: pink floyd tribute contest
It is said that many tears were shed as Indians, native to America, were forced to move from their beloved homeland further into the West. Many of them died during the long trip, and later other Indian tribes fought them for invading 'their' lands. They were truly a big part of the 'Wild West'. Th...
For: wild west contest
Standing about two feet at the shoulder and about 4 feet from beak to tip of tail, the house dragon is not a pet for the faint of heart. At hatching, they bond for life with their owners and, being both loyal and fearsomely protective, "outsiders" must be introduced slowly and with caution...
For: fancy bulbs contest
Why always cowboys? These guys look nicer and are probably meaner. Thanks to mjranum-stock and LongStock from DeviantArt.
For: wild west contest
Indians must have been so happy in their beautiful lands before white men came. Thanks to thivierr at for the Indian and horse sources; thanks to vauvau at flckr for the beautiful misty woodland photo.
For: wild west contest
Thanks to: - fetishfaerie-stock (http://fetishfaerie-stock - fc02 ( - lilnymph ( - night-fate-stock ( - gugamarque - Alfi007 - blary54 - asifthebes - straymuse - blary54
thanks to: David Dasinger for the image.
Except the background from Flickr, everything was made from the given source. Because I have not much time left here, I just show the intermediate snapshots of my progress. Here is the ANIMATED version of the SBS, hope you like it:
For: buffalo contest
Careful not to judge too soon... there may be a medieval wizard inside that old man. All source but for the gem and the background.
For: bearded man contest