223 comments given:
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dem90 says:

I disagree. I really like this one.And it looks overexposed because of the yellow tint added, when it's actually perfectly exposed.It is a bit brighter, but that is probably because the artist increased contrast.

(5 years and 2607 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

Fantastic job!! You blended to two photos very well!

(5 years and 2617 days ago)

When you picked the wrong background
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dem90 says:

I'm not too keen on the job. It's not horrible, but you do need to work on you're blending. The cut and pasting is a bit too sharp, you have a slight bokeh in the background, but where you photoshoped, some details are not blurry. You might want to try a slight gausian blur to blend the background a but more

(5 years and 2617 days ago)

No traffic please
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dem90 says:

The post editing and dof is good, but the composition need some work. There is too much dead space to the left, and it's hard to tell at first what the focus of the photo is. You might want to crop the photo a bit so the orchid is more prominent

(5 years and 2617 days ago)

The Orchid
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dem90 says:

Love this photo!

(5 years and 2617 days ago)

Lotus & Native Bees
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dem90 says:

The composition and lighting is good, but you really need to work on your focus, most of the flower is blurry

(5 years and 2617 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

You do realize that isn't a lilac flower?

(5 years and 2617 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

I actually like it with the people in the photo. It gives the building scale, and makes it seem much larger

(5 years and 2622 days ago)

A museum near home
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dem90 says:

I'm not a big fan of the overburned clouds. The blacks are way to dark, and your whites are gray, you need less contrast to to brighten the image

(5 years and 2622 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

Great job with the photoshopping, but I like the original better

(5 years and 2622 days ago)

Some changing
no avatar
dem90 says:

I love how vibrant the colors are!!! Great job!!

(5 years and 2628 days ago)

Christmas Candle
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dem90 says:

It takes a while for a piece to get votes. I've had my work up for 2 hours before it got a single vote. Be patient

(5 years and 2628 days ago)

PXL Politics :)
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dem90 says:

I agree, this photo is focused on the tree, not the building. I can barely make out the features of the building. This photo all around is not that good. It's way to busy, it's hard to make out any detail, and you don't have an object that is the main focus of the photo.

(5 years and 2634 days ago)

Old is Gold
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dem90 says:

There is a bit too much post-editing to this photo. I don't know what you did, but her skin looks waxy, and unreal and her eyebrows are almost nonexistent

(5 years and 2634 days ago)

One more try...
no avatar
dem90 says:

You could adjust the exposure a bit and brighten up her face

(5 years and 2634 days ago)

my beauty
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dem90 says:

I'm not to fond of the hair in the face

(5 years and 2634 days ago)

a face with character
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dem90 says:

and it shows

(5 years and 2634 days ago)

Looking at you
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dem90 says:

So far they only pictures the four profiles commented on and faved, and probably voted on, were your photos. Either you have really loyal friends or you created fake profiles.

(5 years and 2634 days ago)

Close up smile
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dem90 says:

You've already submitted this photo to a contest http://www.pxleyes.com/photography-picture/4d9cbdf22561f/rays.html

(5 years and 2645 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

I'm not a huge fan of the desaturation, but nice mage otherwise

(5 years and 2801 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

I love the focus on the flag!

(5 years and 2801 days ago)

Title Celebration
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dem90 says:

I think you entered this into the wrong contest

(5 years and 2801 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

I think having it in color would make it a lot easier to see.

(5 years and 2811 days ago)

Lady in White
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dem90 says:

Much better, we can see a lot more of her face now, lol

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

Her Special Day
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dem90 says:

the saturation blotches the skin, it look like you used a diffused filter on it, but that's probably due to all the other editing. The selective editing would have been better, this editing doesn't flatter the photo at all. The saturation definitely needs to come down.I would increase the contrast as well, and to be honest, you don't need perfect skin to have a perfect photo. I've taken portraits of dirty faces that were beautiful. Perfect skin is just societies ideal

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

peacock blue
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dem90 says:

Watch out for your focus, it seems like she's in focus, but if you look real close you can tell she isn't

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

Lady Bug Blue
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dem90 says:

dreadwolf1, when you only fav photos from one person, praise only their photos, and just because they are your friend, that's not what this site is about. This isn't facebook, where you like a photo because you are init, this site tries to be a place to showcase artistic work. This photo is good to look back on her prom and remember it, as an artistic shot, I see nothing here. It looks like something a mother took of her daughter just to capture the memories, not be artistic or well balanced. For one, I would have not chosen this shot because it cuts off the bottom of her dress at an awkward angle, and it's exposed for the sun, not the shadows, her posture isn't the best, and I love the color of the dress, just dark green and brown do not flatter it.

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

First Prom
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dem90 says:

I really like it, I would increase the contrast a bit more, but it is quite beautiful!

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

Floral Abstract
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dem90 says:

The colors are simply amazing!

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

Calm Waters
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dem90 says:

Hasn't a similar photo been recently used in the national emblem photos?

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

Eye Contact
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dem90 says:

I love the moment you've captured here, also, great lighing and composition!

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

Happy Cat
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dem90 says:

I love it, it's a bit dark, but still a beautiful shot

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

Perfect timing!

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

The Secret Keeper
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dem90 says:

lol, he looks a bit demonic

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

Not Happy
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dem90 says:

Love this photo! perfect light, perfect timing, I just think it would be really cool if she were sitting on the bench with a guy, but besides that this is still a great photo!

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

My Love...
no avatar
dem90 says:

I would disagree with you author, this photo is WAY too muddy, you need to increase the contrast or something so there isn't so much gray!

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

Beach Walking
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dem90 says:


(5 years and 2812 days ago)

Piggy bank
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dem90 says:

Great Lighting!

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

Robot or Coffee Machine
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dem90 says:

I agree. For one, this shot is taken at a very unflattering angle, the lighting is very poor and the dress is an eyesore in contrast with the environment. Beautiful girl, beautiful dress, but you could have taken a much better shot

(5 years and 2812 days ago)

First Prom
no avatar
dem90 says:

Nice photo, I don't like the editing though. The diffused affect doesn't suit this photo, also, her skin is quite blotchy

(5 years and 2813 days ago)

peacock blue
no avatar
dem90 says:

This is a nice photo, but I wouldn't use it for this contest. It's supposed to show off the make up, not hide it

(5 years and 2813 days ago)

Her Special Day
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dem90 says:

I really like it, I just wish it wasn't so wide

(5 years and 2814 days ago)

Game Delayed
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dem90 says:

I'm sorry, the last time I checked Yin Yang had one meaning, not a thousand. Last time I checked the flag of the united states stood only for the united states. Certain symbols are not up for interpretation. Anyone who sees the Yin Yang knows what it means like they know what the United State's flag means. Trying to twist such a widely known symbol to a knew meaning means your photo is going to be misread. Without your explanation, I thought you avatar deal with peace or something along those lines.

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

Interesting shot, but your focus seems to be off and you have major motion blur. If you could I would try to retake the shot because I love how her hair flows into the reflection, it's a beautiful effect!

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

The concept is neat, but I think you have your symbolisms wrong. Yin Yang in itself is about opposites. Using it to represent a single idea is improper seeing as it represents at least two, light AND dark. Using it to represent only one is just an improper use of the symbol. Also, I would have cropped the shoe it, it makes your photo look careless and that you didn't put a lot of effort into it

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

no avatar
dem90 says:

Your focus in the photo isn't all that great

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

Bald Eagle
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dem90 says:

I believe the name of the Band is THE Doors. Being a huge fan of them, I'll be impressed if you can tell me where they came up with their band name? There's an awesome story behind it

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

The Doors
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dem90 says:

Lol, nice one!

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

Rolling Stones
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dem90 says:

Love the focus! And the black and white really accents the man

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

Crossing the Road
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dem90 says:

Not a huge fan of HDR, and I think your contrast is too steep, but to composition and subject are very good, I just don't agree with your choice of editing

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

Spare Change