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How does this relate to the contest??
(5 years and 2824 days ago)Try not using a direct flash, but nice set up!
(5 years and 2824 days ago)Try working on your focusing next time, but great set up!
(5 years and 2824 days ago)This shot is amazing!!
(5 years and 2824 days ago)Not a fan of the angle and the blur
(5 years and 2824 days ago)love the concept, but you need to work on your focusing
(5 years and 2824 days ago)love!
(5 years and 2824 days ago)Try not using direct flash next time, your lighting will be more even and your whites won't be blown out
(5 years and 2824 days ago)It's a decent shot, it's a bit overexposed and the glow doesn't add to the shot, it takes away. If the the subject of focus in this shot is supposed to be the jewelry, then in my opinion it is unsuccessful.
(5 years and 2824 days ago)I think you need to lower the exposure in this photo, its is most definitely over exposed
(5 years and 2833 days ago)What you can do is darken the license plate and grass. If you have photoshop you could use the burn tool. That would draw less attention to them.
(5 years and 2833 days ago)I love the shot, except the chunk of lavender that is out of focus is a major distraction, you might want to crap some of that out
(5 years and 2834 days ago)Wait, where's the Elephant? lol, I wish I was there right now on vacation
(5 years and 2853 days ago)I've seen this before, I don't know where it is, but one of my friends had a similar photo to this as their profile pic on facebook!
(5 years and 2865 days ago)Ok nem, think about it, if something lacks taste, it is tasteless! That is kinda the definition of tasteless. And also, I think this is the most unique approach to the theme for the contest yet. All the other entries are just images of cracks in a road, while this evokes emotion and thought that the other fail to do. What makes a photo is incredibly subjective. I look a photos in two ways some are just meant to be pretty, and some are meant to evoke emotions and ideas. If a photo does either of those, then I consider it a decent photo. I consider this a great photo because the emotion you get from it is almost the same for everyone, it is quite clear what the photographer was trying to do. This site being "family friendly" I actually have problems with. They claim to be "fine art photography" and "family friendly" and the two can not exist in the same sentence unless one has a not in front of them. And for the photo being removed because of a pubic hair, I've had photos removed for even more ridiculous reason. I almost left because of how picky they were getting. I don't agree with it. And if they do show favoritism, it isn't the author's fault, you should be going to the mods about it, not the author. there really isn't anything he can do about people favoriting his work.
(5 years and 2886 days ago)You got the exposure just right, I would just increase the contrast a bit to make the flower stand out a bit more
(5 years and 2908 days ago)Great timing with the swans!
(5 years and 2908 days ago)BL:UR!!!!!
(5 years and 2908 days ago)This photo would be amazing if you had a greater dof
(5 years and 2908 days ago)The angle isn't to flattering for the subject, but great choice in subject!, I'd just take a step back and straight my camera a bit
(5 years and 2908 days ago)It's a well composed shot and technically there is nothing wrong with it, but to be honest, it's kinda boring. You need something to spice it up a bit
(5 years and 2908 days ago)Great idea, you might want to try and pay more attention to where the strawberries are. It's obvious they are on a plate, but the way you cut the plate off draws the eye away from the strawberries. if you either cropped the plate out or you got a shot with the entire plate that would accent the strawberries even more. But the white plate was a good choice to display them on!
(5 years and 2908 days ago)A bit dark....
(5 years and 2908 days ago)Awesome!! Love it!!!!!! Perfect lighting, well balanced, and the detail is amazing!
(5 years and 2908 days ago)Love it, but clean your mirror!!! Pay attention to small details like that!!
(5 years and 2908 days ago)Don't use direct flash!!!!! If you are using the flash on your camera and not a mounted one, diffuse it the flash with a tissue. You can fold the tissue to diffuse the flash even more, and you can play around with it it. But the direct flash washes out your scenes and creates harsh shadows and highlights
(5 years and 2908 days ago)A bit harsh on the lighting. I don't know if you used a direct flash or if you used a diffuser or bounce lighting, but it's needs to be softened a bit. It's doable the way it is, but I think it would flatter the bread so much more if the lighting were softer and there wasn't such a difference between shadows and highlights. Also, white background is a bit harsh on the eyes in this situation. Great concept. And this photo is good, you just need to refine it to give that little something extra
(5 years and 2908 days ago)Ugly background and you need work on your focusing. The flowers are a perfect subject,but all the busyiness in the backgrounds detracts from your attention to these lovely white flowers. Try and hold them up to a wall with a solid color, or even get construction paper or fabric and hag it behind the flowers. Go for solids, it will accent the flowers so much. There is already so much for the eye to look at with the flowers alone, you don't want a background that needs any attention
(5 years and 2908 days ago)I'm not too happy with where the focus is, The closest and largest part of the flower is out of focus which is a major distraction in the photo
(5 years and 2908 days ago)Beautiful, I love it!
(5 years and 2908 days ago)You need to work on your focusing a bit more.
(5 years and 2908 days ago)The blue tint throws the photo off for me, but I love how you use the highlights and the shaking to create an abstract atmosphere.
(5 years and 2916 days ago)The blur is from your hand shaking, and that isn't an opinion, it's an observation. Saying the sky is blue isn't an opinion, it's a statement.
(5 years and 2916 days ago)I agree, you do need to redo this shot in better lighting. Tis is just so cute, it would be a waste to not redo it. The overall light could be so much better, and the white balance is too yellow, but your ideas has great potential
(5 years and 2923 days ago)This is a fairly blurry shot. I would seriously reconsider taking another shot in better lighting.
(5 years and 2923 days ago)The blue is WAY to fake. It's obvious that it isn't natural and that you photoshopped it in. The shot is amazing, the editing is poor
(5 years and 2936 days ago)I think it works not because it's marble vs stone, but worked stone vs unfinished sone
(5 years and 2965 days ago)I love it now! I don't know if it was my monitor or not, but I like the depth of the black a lot better in this version
(5 years and 2974 days ago)Lovely composition and everything, the only thing bad I can say about this photo is it seems a little on the gray side, you might want to increase the contrast. It looks like you're blacks aren't really blacks.
(5 years and 2975 days ago)I really don't see what is wrong with this shot. It's actually really interesting with the shadows, the exposure is perfect, the only thing you could possibly even argue as possibly bad is the composition, which really is just a matter of opinion. I think if you made the a square photo it would look fantastic
(5 years and 2991 days ago)that can be easily edited out, do you use any post editing programs?
(5 years and 2991 days ago)You do realize you can edit out all that junk. This photo is an amazing shot, and I really don't think that it fit the theme because it CAN be fixed. I interpreted the theme as photos you really like that you just can't really do anything with, but you still like
(5 years and 2991 days ago)this seems kinda flat to me
(5 years and 2994 days ago)I know that skyline!!!!!
(5 years and 2996 days ago)haven't you already used a shot like this??
(5 years and 3002 days ago)I feel like I've seen this before
(5 years and 3078 days ago)I also like the lack of colour, it makes the guy stand out so much more against all the white. The colour would just distract you from the man
(5 years and 3093 days ago)I agree with locksmagic as well. When I first saw the photo, I was really intrigued by the colouring because it wasn't even. When water get thin, it becomes clear, so you can't really expect ALL of the water to have colour.
(5 years and 3093 days ago)This photo is fairly dark, you need to increase the exposure more
(5 years and 3094 days ago)I don't think tiles are writing tools. Thats like saying paper or glass is a writing, tools, yes, they both have words and can be used to create words, but they are not writing instruments themselves
(5 years and 3094 days ago)