New Sign

For: curved arrow contest
For: curved arrow contest
Clouds were done with mura'smeister filters link in sources The water reflection was done with vm natural filter using lakeside reflection I'm sorry I don't have a link to them Spec Thanks to Darwin Bell for use of his seagul picture found on flickr photo sharing link there
my photos and source
For: black swan contest
For: tin men contest
This tutorial was very helpful.
For: snow globes contest
Thanks to Zela and Marcus Ranum ( king - man - metal texture - queen - http://ww...
For: surrealism contest
Photoshop and source only. Please see high res
For: rings contest
Dedicate to my childhood... Just the source was used. The remaining is painting.
For: letters contest
thanks to wilksailor for the image
For: puppy face contest
This was a bit tougher then I thought, no sources used and if you look you will see I made changes all along the process. Nothing drastic, but perspective and some slight color changes.
For: broken tree contest
Big thanks to Mark Monciardini and his great tutorials... hat aufge-STOCK-t- Thanks for the lovely winter image...
For: snowboarder contest
For: stone foot contest
The world's oldest fight has no winner yet and there have been no truce til now... ... Sky thanks to mara-sky-stock ... Some changes were made. I added steam seeing that lava meeting water generates steam :-) I used smoke brushes to make steam... No re...
credits: semireal- deviantart- tw1stedtruth- deviantart
For: contest
This ones a little "corney" Thanks to: Don Solo Cowfish Arne Hendriks
For: leadership contest