Mr. and Mrs. Springer

The spaniels on guard at the cabin.
The spaniels on guard at the cabin.
For: prost contest
For: young monk contest
Does anyone knows what it's mean?:)
For: gas pump contest
81% black image
For: black 3 contest
Cones made with 3D tool and rust texture from truck.
For: rusty truck contest
Poster graphics (spaceship, Jupiter) made using CS7 3D. The logo was created by altering shapes inherent to Photoshop.
Done with Topaz Glow.
For: one filter 2 contest
For: seagull 2 contest
Thanks Ewen Roberts,Stuart Caie,Wiki.
For: pop art 2 contest
Simple circle cut outs of source. Burn and dodge shading with drop shadows. Layer blending.
For: espadrilles contest
belarus. May 2016
For: flowers 3 contest