257 comments given:
avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

David Gilmour's song learning to fly (Pink Floyd)!!!This is the real movement!!!BEAUTIFUL

(5 years and 3573 days ago)

avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

feminine sign should represent letter " T " i guess..????

(5 years and 3575 days ago)

avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

beautiful eye details,and nice job

(5 years and 3575 days ago)

avatar derdevil
derdevil says:


(5 years and 3576 days ago)

avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

I scored you high nice job

(5 years and 3663 days ago)

Smoking Camel
avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

must win IMO..and goooooooood philosophy .!.

(5 years and 3667 days ago)

finger man
avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

You need to clone the kid better,not just paste the part of the tree over him.And where the tree finishes??

(5 years and 3668 days ago)

avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

good work.

(5 years and 3668 days ago)

Dont Judge a Book By Its Cover
avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

every single part makes sence nice

(5 years and 3669 days ago)

On my way
avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

erotic, but legs?

(5 years and 3670 days ago)

avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

nice one

(5 years and 3670 days ago)

Love Nuts ;)
avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

hehehe.You "stole" my idea LOL

(5 years and 3671 days ago)

Personal hygiene
avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

gooooooooood idea .lol

(5 years and 3672 days ago)

Woody Allen
avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

sometimes less is moregood luck

(5 years and 3673 days ago)

three moods of a mixer
avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

in some way I like this

(5 years and 3673 days ago)

avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

lovely..good luck

(5 years and 3673 days ago)

obelisque alley