Sticky Mutuality
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For: broken eggs contest
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For: broken eggs contest
I'm sure we have all had the dream where we are falling and wake up with a jolt before we hit the floor...:-) I've played with filters to try and capture the fractured nature of dreams...
For: dream art contest
Nightmares are always so much more memorable than the pleasant dreams. Oddly enough my nightmares always lack common sense and I often find myself walking into a bad situations. Thank you to mconnors at Morguefile for the zipper, JherDan at Deviantart for the Freddy Glove, The girl in the blue dr...
For: dream art contest
how does it feel living in an autistic world.....?
For: dream art contest
"Listen Guzub, if ya wanna get along in New York, ya gotta remember a couple of things: Don't ever wear a Red Sox cap, I charge extra to go to the Bronx, and I don't take any of that friggin' Martian money!".
For: aliens among contest
black pencil and black marker (very thin and thick marker) I did this a couple years ago and tried to duplicate the process for the step by step guide
For: wings contest
Decided to make the mask into a creature! Everything is made out of pieces of the mask or just painted in. I wanted to spend more time on it, but I was cutting it close to the dead line. Either way I am pleased with the out come, what do you think :)
For: gas mask contest
Friend or foe?
For: gas mask contest
Uploading this in the last seconds :) Created in 3ds max with original materials/textures.
For: pencils contest
It's open for many interpretations... Thanks to thegnome54 at
Thank you to feelidae for the use of the stock photo 'Coloured horse' and thank you to amcmillan for the stock photo 'Good Fences Make Good Neighbors' these photos were used as a guide to create the Knight.
For: chess pieces contest
Dodge and burn contest: Goal: Make a square canvas with a grey background and create an image using dodge, burn, and smudge tools only. You can only use these tools, but it is allowed to use external references to base your work on. If you do, don't forget to mention them in your sources or SBS g...
For: old contests contest
Thanks to and
For: aion world contest