Blue Angels Rock

Image is mine. He was a flyby over the house during an airshow. Like they say, location, location, location.
For: flight 2 contest
Image is mine. He was a flyby over the house during an airshow. Like they say, location, location, location.
For: flight 2 contest
One from the yard.
For: flower heads contest
Daisies seem timeless to me........
For: flower heads contest
Basic bouquet, sitting in the window...............
For: bouquets contest
Is this where the list begins?
For: religion contest
Found her digging a hole to lay her eggs.................
For: ugly nature contest
A view from one of our air shows
For: aircraft spotting contest
One of my babies
For: hobbies contest
Amazing how things can take shape over the years.
For: driftwood contest
A gift for those that arise before the sun.........
For: sun contest
No matter how many times you see it, the sun offers a different view every time. Some things just never get old......
For: sun contest