238 comments given:
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Great detail. The reddish background really makes the foreground colors pop.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Bloom Buffet
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The detail is stunning.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

A New Volcano
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The bud is nice and sharp, but the proximity of the other stalks in the background seemed to take away some of the power of the image.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I don't think you could have done a better job with the colors.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Take one a day
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I really like that you only get the detail of the background through the droplet. Perfect dof.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The reflection off the glass takes away a little bit, but it what makes the picture for me is the overpowering Panadol ad at the bottom.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Very colorful and well composed. I only wish that the second girl from the right would have moved her left hand a bit.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Nice pov, giving us the full impact of the shadows. If anything, it is cropped so evenly that it feels a bit boxy.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Luscious! I especially like how you got elements of the trunk in the picture.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Great expression of the theme.

(5 years and 1038 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The boldness of the colors would not have been nearly as effective without showing the delicacy of the work. Well positioned story!

(5 years and 1038 days ago)

Knitting Colour
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

It doesn't look like he cared either!

(5 years and 1038 days ago)

Not Bothered if Theres no Fish
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I like the composition with the lens slightly offcenter, and the bokeh does an excellent job of picking up the highlight color. Is there a reason you didn't make the Nikon logo visible?

(5 years and 1046 days ago)

Nikon Lens
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

You noticed the camera; I noticed the yak cheese! A lot of interesting elements in this shot.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

No kidding! I wish I could see the finished product.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Clay sculpting
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Yummy! Extremely rich colors. One reason this works for me is that it is not in a pristine commercial setting. I also appreciated that the dof allows us to identify what's in the background without focusing on it. The different levels of red on the sticks emphasize that these are not "cookie cutter" productions--important to a client. The only places my eyes wandered were the small black spot on the upper left and the yellow core on the right. Maybe cropped just a hair more?

(5 years and 1048 days ago)

Toffee Apples for Sale
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I'm impressed that you were able to get the three faces in such close proximity to one another. The shadows on the sculpture really make it pop. And even in the sunlight, the whole photo is really well exposed. I just find myself wanting to pull her hair back a bit to get a better idea of how close he was to completion.

(5 years and 1048 days ago)

Clay sculpting
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

There are a lot of things I like about this presentation: the general layout, the way the blue plate's color is caught on the candlestick and the overall coloring/mood. It's an interesting choice to have the crackers themselves out of focus. I'm not sure what to think about that.

(5 years and 1048 days ago)

rice crackers
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I like the way you have muted all of the busyness in the foreground to focus on the figures.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

The Virgin Mary
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Amazing colors, set off well by the gray sky.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

Pagoda Roof Top
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The pov is most unexpected but draws us to the entrance. the highlight colors of blue and pink frame it well.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

Going Down to Church
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

A most powerful piece. The antithesis of "welcoming" as you note in your title.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

Praying to be let in
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I agree that this is superlative. How were you able to capture everything from the floor to the ceiling?

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

Blue Mosque - Istanbul
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The placement of the tombstone tells the story of age very well.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

Do they still worship here?
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

You have captured well the sense of depth and proportion.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Nice and gritty. I picture his body pocked with burn marks.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

Working on his R Angle
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Me too. The wave crashing through the empty cross gives me the feel of Easter.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I really enjoyed the effect of the screening in this shot. And the angled piece makes the right angles stand out even more.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

So right
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The mods will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you are allowed to make small alterations. "6.4.: Small alterations to photos are allowed; removing dead pixels, color adjustments, B&W conversion and so on."

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

Chickpeas, the healthy alternative
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Excellent attention to detail on the food presentation. The juxtaposition of the product on the plate to the can ties everything in very well. I also like how you can read the 5 star rating, important for some but not the primary message. Before submitting to the client, there are a couple of small marks on the label that could be touched up. Very successful even though, unlike still, I don't care for chick peas.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

Chickpeas, the healthy alternative
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Wonderfully focused and lit. Ideal placement of the macaroons and great color choices. The subtle pattern on the coffee cup adds a nice dimension of depth. Great job.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Those very minor changes made all the difference from a commercial standpoint. I'd happily use that in an ad campaign. It is exquisite.

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

Nautic Spirit
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Well done. This is the kind of photo that inspires ad copy. My immediate thought: "The tip of your journey should be the best."

(5 years and 1049 days ago)

Airline Company
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

You're off to a great start! You'll learn a lot on this site; I know I already have. What I appreciate the most is that the comments people make on your work are designed to help you hone your abilities.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

You succeeded in making me hungry! I'd consider unwrapping the first one so that we can see both the mouth-watering detail and how it arrives packaged.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Intriguing color combination, but I think it works. For selling fresh fruit, blemishes on the peel detract a bit. You could also consider waxing the peel on the back piece to make the color pop.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

Eat lots of fresh fruit
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Very cute picture and it tells the story well. Since we're selling the helmet, I prefer a couple of options: either have a brand new one or one with an obvious streak, bump or mark that shows it has fulfilled its intended purposes.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

Safety Helmets for Children
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Excellent presentation. The apple gives the appearance of being a fresh, healthy product. There is also great space, particularly in the upper right corner to give a simple message.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The items are well displayed as a group. However, in an ad campaign where you are trying to sell the item, we need to see what the detail on the apron looks like.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

Christmas Aprons for Sale
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The apparently random placement of the bottles works well for me. I'd turn the blue bottle a little bit to made the label more legible and trim the white portion on the top of the neck. Also consider cutting the rough edges off the top of the open bottles. If you are striving for the effect of some bottles already being opened, maybe add a cork.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

Wine or Cava
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Wonderful, elegant display. The colors are spot on. Space is nicely available for the insertion of text. I'd clean up the dots on top.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

Nautic Spirit
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I really like the layout. There's no question what the product is used for. I'd like more clarity in the product itself since it's very difficult to read the labels. Also turning the top jar by even 30 degrees would draw the eye in more.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

Hero Jam
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The product is nicely displayed. I like that we see it at a 45 degree angle rather than straight on. The front is washed out a bit, though, so we lose some definition on the bag.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

Eurika Tent
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Great concept. It isn't necessary to see the whole canoe to get the message. The reflection on the "FORD" part takes away somewhat. Compare that to the richness of the logo on the left.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

Langford Canoe
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I agree; very well done. The product is clearly displayed along with its application use. Perhaps a little more contract between the box and the background.

(5 years and 1050 days ago)

One drop is all you need
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Congratulations! Let's all meet you there.

(5 years and 1051 days ago)

Hagley Park, Christchurch
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Beautiful shot. Congratulations!

(5 years and 1051 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I really like all the shades of red on and around the boat. The light reflections on the right pull my eye away, though. I think I'd like the photo better without them.

(5 years and 1051 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Whatever he has, they all want some! I agree that the guy is what makes this picture.

(5 years and 1051 days ago)

Pokhora, Nepal
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

That's hysterical!

(5 years and 1051 days ago)

Boat with wheels