Who cares...

Water drops on a cd case
For: levitation contest
Most likely a situation now one would want to be in.
For: frogs contest
3DS Max 2010 x64. Vray rendering with HDRi lighting.
For: liquids contest
Thanks to ''imstuck'' for source 1 Thanks to ''zotus'' for source 2 Thanks to ''suneko'' for source 3 Thanks to ''rabieshund'' for source 4
For: fox home contest
From the Brothers Grimm. Entry all created in Photoshop. No external sources, references or brushes, just the default stuff that PS offers. See further in the SBS. Please watch in HiRes before vote, thank you.
For: fairy tales contest
No other sources for structure elements used, only textures found at http://www.cgtextures.com Links to textures that were used can be found in the SBS as they were applied. Hope you like it! Thanks
Thank you to feelidae for the use of the stock photo 'Coloured horse' and thank you to amcmillan for the stock photo 'Good Fences Make Good Neighbors' these photos were used as a guide to create the Knight.
For: chess pieces contest
My neighbor's camellia after the downpour.....