Cow On Montain

For: day to night contest
For: day to night contest
Nice image to work with. I only used masks, adjustment layers and filtres. No colours apart from the gradient.
For: gaudi style contest
Micro Pattern Brushes: Obsidian Down
For: fish head contest
No originality here. Just playing with the zip I learned to draw ;-) Beside, couldn't find a high resolutiion skull to place behind the face.
For: lips contest
Spanish moss brushes: Obsedian Dawn
For: wood closeup contest
I used black background to take advantage of the rat background, and so I didn't have to deal with hair... lol... Credit: cyborgsuzystock at
For: hand sign contest
Illustrator and Photoshop. Brushes were taken out...
Pixie Dust Trails Brushes: thanks to rL-Brushes in DeviantART
For: marionettes contest
Summer is just around the corner, for this reason the somewhat hot landscape, and I've been reading The Chronicles of Narnia, hence the lion :-)
My first attempt to creat light and shadows from scratch...
For: fossils contest
Picture of Earth is from GRIN - Great Images In Nasa.
"Look! I did tell him not to fly too high!!!!" ... Male model thanks to Felixdeon in DeviantART. Clouds brushes thanks to JavierZhx in DeviantART
For: lamp post contest
... Grunge texture thanks to Princess of Shadows in
For: jeep contest
So that I could work only with the glass, I cut it out using the blue channel and dessaturaded it. The rest is manipulation :-) ... Credit texture: Princess of Shadows Credit Withered Roses: Rolve http://www.sxc....
For: glass contest
Queen Bug and her colourful ladies-in-waiting LOL... ... Only source image. SBS on the way.
For: lady bug contest
Texts by Brandi Hilliard here ... Tried to follow and adapt this tutorial I'm not sure about the shadows...
For: notes contest