Wild Savannah

Just trying a tutorial I liked :D
Just trying a tutorial I liked :D
For: temple contest
Sphere was made using PS 3D resource.
Some changes were made...
For: abandoned contest
For: sunken ships contest
Semisphere was made using PS 3D resource.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here ( Dante's Inferno)
For: skull contest
I used the default fonts for most of the texts: Georgia, Cambria and Arial. "CIRCUS" was created with 3D PS resource and Berlin Sans FB Demi, each letter at a time and then colorized using the same resource.
A love made for lasting forever
Background inspired by this tutorial http://ooglewindowblinds.com/photoshop-tutorials/design-a-pcb-electric-circuit-matrix
For: the kingdom contest
For: pasturelands contest
For: pasturelands contest
Two displacement maps were used in this project.