
Created with source only Thanks to CorneliaMladenova great style. Tried Some of her techniques :-)
For: blue bicycle contest
Created with source only Thanks to CorneliaMladenova great style. Tried Some of her techniques :-)
For: blue bicycle contest
So there is this gal named Sunny, she lived down my block. her and her two sisters. and my goodness her dad knew how to grow 'em if you know what i mean. well, Sunny got a deal being some centerfold pinup gal, and they even put her up on the Pin-Up Playin' cards. I snuck one out of my ma's deck she...
For: sunflowers contest
source only
For: sunflowers contest
only source used with my own stock photos. check sbs for stock photos.
For: sunflowers contest
couldn't resist... hehehe.. My photo combined with source built in PS7
For: rubber boats contest
Most likely a situation now one would want to be in.
For: frogs contest
A frog never give us a smile they are always in serious mood but here i mixedup realistic and cartoon both style and give little smile on its face and try to paint real texture on cartoon drawing as much as i can.
For: frogs contest
For: frogs contest
Meet Miss Frogalicious :D Created with pen tool...
For: frogs contest
'ave you got the time? inspired by stanley kubrick's "A clockwork Orange" which i found suiting to the topic at hand.
For: reptiles contest
Like Lamantine, I also don't like reptiles... but this tiny lizard is very cute, I have to admit...
For: reptiles contest
I AM THE WALRUS PENGUINS SHIRT EXPLAINED "The first line was written on one acid trip one weekend. The second line was written on the next acid trip the next weekend, and it was filled in after I met Yoko... I'd seen Allen Ginsberg and some other people who liked Dylan and Jesus going on a...
"Inspiration According to Lennon, the title came from the cover of a gun magazine that producer George Martin showed him: "I think he showed me a cover of a magazine that said 'Happiness Is a Warm Gun.' It was a gun magazine. I just thought it was a fantastic, insane thing to say. A war...
this took so much time. transforming over and over to get the exact look i was going for. please, pay special attention to the hand. *wipes brow* fingers are NOT my specialty, so i'm very proud of that. any suggestions or constructive critiques would be welcome. the only sources used were the bac...
For: modern lighthouse contest
A mildly successful attempt at creating a liquid hand. :)
For: two cups contest
Thanks to markmiller and vilhelm at morguefile.com for the fern photo and the dog on sofa photo.
For: quilting contest
With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate Of life at once untie: poor venomous fool Be angry, and dispatch. —Cleopatra, Act V, scene II Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare
For: weaving contest
Only source and PS used. - Soft brush, pen, burn and dodge tools.
For: weaving contest