Boot fence

Whole roads surrounding pastures you will find fences where people have retired their old cowboy boots. Interesting site that's for sure.
For: fences contest
Whole roads surrounding pastures you will find fences where people have retired their old cowboy boots. Interesting site that's for sure.
For: fences contest
You used to see these picturesque stone fence posts around pastures all throughout the country side, but now they appear more this way surrounding historical monuments.
For: fences contest
This shows my daughter indulging one of her several addictions............. SHOES!!! You don't need to see her face to know she is enjoying herself.
I reread the rules and used a pic that doesn't have the calculator.
In my developing of this raw file, I desaturated all colors but the orange, I did this in camera raw. I thought it was more effective image this way, just let me know if it isn't allowed and I will replace it with another.
For: corrosion contest
Old milk can found in garage after the cats got done with it.......ewwww.
For: corrosion contest
For: looking up contest
My daughter will kill me for submitting this one, not exactly flattering but fun.
For: off guard contest
a slight breeze could blow this delicate dandelion away. Taken handheld with macros lens
For: empty paths contest
For: empty paths contest
Unfortunately, to get this shot, I was unable to keep the telephone pole out of it. I loved this point of view though.
Found abandoned in a field, an old hay rake.
Used a higher film speed due to available light so has a bit more noise than I like. Just thought this shot was cute.
For: cuteness contest
Bright moon shining and a bit of fill flash.
For: flower heads contest
Streptocarpus bloom
For: flower heads contest
For: flower heads contest