Deadman's Cafe Revisited

This piece was created for the Restaurant Placement competition. After making the changes in this one, I think it is a better composition
This piece was created for the Restaurant Placement competition. After making the changes in this one, I think it is a better composition
Fragariaphobia is the fear of strawberries, actually a real phobia. Made originally for the strawberry surrealism contest. Made a few changes as you will see in my sbs
Using a casual portrait stock of my own (in SBS) this is what I came up with for my hot blooded gal!!
For: fire people contest
If I had a nightmare like this one, I would have a fear of strawberries myself, lol. This one really just evolved with the sources that I found and started playing around with. The sky in this piece is one of my own stock.
For: strawberry surrealism contest
Vampires favorite type of moon, this was fun!!! Edited background.....I think it looks better this way, what does everyone else think.
For: vampirize contest
Using a photo of my own, I created the fairies, butterflies, tree, and mushrooms with the source image.
For: rose thorns contest
Make sure to check out high res. No child was harmed in the making of this poster. I have models permission to use this photo that I took myself in this manner. Her mother also is a great support and gave her go ahead as well. It had to be a Stop child abuse poster if I were to use a child in it so ...
For: roughed up contest
Toto slipped out of Dorothy's basket just to take a rest stop and they took off without him. Sparkles around the castle are made by using ps brushes adjusting properties of shape and positions.
For: open field contest
Photo of guitar is my own stock
Not much, tried to get things as natural looking as possible. Masking out all the different elements was the real challenge. Otherwise this is a very simple entry. Be sure to check out the high res to see all the details. Edited
For: undergrowth contest
Model is my own stock by me. I want to thank ~sixwings over at Deviant Art for the beautiful source I used for the background and Gao Hul for the lovely blue beta fish that I created the mermaid's tail from.
For: water reflections contest
Brushes created by copyright free clipart scan.
For: peacock contest
Used only the source image to create this.
For: sea lion contest
Created word cloud at by just dropping in the text choosing colors and font. Thanks to dag at flicker.I used Lassus font for my music note background. Thanks to redheadstock for the brush I used for the piano keys.
Graveyard is sourceimage from a previous contest.
For: restaurant placement contest
From the blue fantasy contest ( I wasn't a high enough level to do it. Fragon is a dragon out of a frog. My thanks go out to Mjranum stock at deviantart for all the fairies I used. Here are the links that I couldn't fit below. http://...
For: old contests contest
Now where's my teeth..... This was just for fun.....
Only source image used in this creation
Only source image and custom shapes used.
For: silhouette dancers contest
From the planet Pluto and flying through the constellation of Bowser. Used only the source image.
For: running dog contest
In this creation I used the dial with a chrome effect as the glass blocks and floor. The shadow was used as a silhouette of people peering through the glass block window. You can see the wine glass as a tower on the table. The old homestead was folded up and placed on the table. The brick walls,...
Source Image only
For: coconuts contest
For: empty signs contest