road and grass by jesuino cloud brushes by FantasyMaker
For: mixed manipulations 7 contest
road and grass by jesuino cloud brushes by FantasyMaker
For: mixed manipulations 7 contest
For: red umbrella contest
For: red umbrella contest
For: pathway contest
For: two seagulls contest
please visit for more stock photography!
For: scare crow contest
Dodge and burn contest: Goal: Make a square canvas with a grey background and create an image using dodge, burn, and smudge tools only. You can only use these tools, but it is allowed to use external references to base your work on. If you do, don't forget to mention them in your sources or SBS g...
For: old contests contest
this pic is not as complicated as it looks, meaning that it is easy to create. Mostly it was done using transform tool, masking, and some lighting effect (filter>render>lighting) to render the texture I created previously by going to channels and create a new channel for the texture. after th...
For: heart contest
"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Thanks a lot to Eirian-stock :) Have a look at high res!
For: quotes contest
I created the reflections myself.. and then after all that ended up using Flaming Pear Flood...
For: single tree contest
For: stone ear contest
Credits to
For: stone ear contest
Thanks to and
For: aion world contest