Dream Castle
I make this simply used of image adjustments and the transform tools.
For: steep stairs contest
I make this simply used of image adjustments and the transform tools.
For: steep stairs contest
Using masking, color, transform techniques.
Create simply using hue-saturation, solid color, gradient-map.
For: indian head contest
Make changes in tree by making its duplicate layers & give it tree shape using transform & warp.
For: single tree contest
Finaly i done it. Source picture is used for making neck, arms, legs & hair with the help of Girl photo. Lots of tools used here.. .. smudge, burn, dodge, Gradient, filters etc.
For: cat face contest
Made by using Color Adjustment, Brushes, and masking Techniques. Thanks to http://night-fate-stock.deviantart.com
For: two seagulls contest
Basic techniques are used. Here I like to thanks MarcelTH for the wonderful sky pic and michaelaw for small boat.
For: red umbrella contest
Thanks to night-fate-stock.deviantart.com for tree pic.
For: coliseum contest
thanks to: night-fate-stock & faestock @deviantart.com. Rokatesh for Shiprock.
For: dream art contest
For: yellow door contest
For: old blue bus contest
For: traffic sign contest
Heart is created by using water from the source image with the help of smudge tool.
For: flying dog contest
For: directions contest