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Nice work. Coloring the jackets was a good choice, they would have looked like siamese twins otherwise.
(5 years and 2358 days ago)With a light source that big, the whole hill should be much lighter, not only a small edge. The top of the hill on the right side looks much better. I guess, when the left side would be darker the image would look more real.
(5 years and 2365 days ago)I like the mood of the image. It looks good.
(5 years and 2365 days ago)One small thing: the waterlevel at the right side of the image looks a little strange.
Very good composition. I like the choice of sources. Small suggestion: darken the top of the hills on the left side of the castle.
(5 years and 2365 days ago)Nice composition but the masking needs some work. I had also preferred that you left some color in the sky.
(5 years and 2365 days ago)Very good work. I like the concept and it is very well executed.
(5 years and 2365 days ago)Good job on the blending and coloring. I'm only curious why you flipped the image.
(5 years and 2365 days ago)Very good concept.
(5 years and 2365 days ago)Good choice for B/W. I like the contrast (and agree with the author about the crop).
(5 years and 2403 days ago)For me it's a great shot, but not of a balcony. The dear is the real focal point of the image, due to it's position in the frame, lines pointing at it and the color contrast btween deer and background.
(5 years and 2403 days ago)Good find. Well composed.
(5 years and 2403 days ago)Grilled fish: delicious! I like the repeated shapes in the image.
(5 years and 2407 days ago)Excellent idea. It is very funny.
(5 years and 2408 days ago)Time for the solo dance?
Nice work!
(5 years and 2408 days ago)Good job. I like how the green constrasts with the muted color of the hare.
(5 years and 2408 days ago)Well done. Makes me smile
(5 years and 2408 days ago)Ah, that's a nice big cup of tea (i only wonder how the strawberry tea would look like).
(5 years and 2409 days ago)Nice flowers, only they look a little flat; some dodge and burn may help.
(5 years and 2410 days ago)Nice idea, the elephant is well done. It would have been nice if you had done a little more with source (if only using it to create some abstract background).
(5 years and 2410 days ago)PS: please remove your name from the comment. The contests here are supposed to be anonymous.
I like the way the lines work in the image, but i also think a much tighter crop would be better.
(5 years and 2410 days ago)Nice job. I like the coloring.
(5 years and 2410 days ago)well blended.
(5 years and 2410 days ago)Nice image. Good use of the source and the texture.
(5 years and 2519 days ago)Nice warm colors. Looks good!
(5 years and 2519 days ago)Great job! Well blended, good composition and coloring.
(5 years and 2519 days ago)I can imagine a story behind this image, but i am not sure, it will be the same one as you intended. Some parts are difficult to see without looking at the high res.
(5 years and 2519 days ago)The iguana should be much darker; almost a silhouette as he is backlighted. There is not that much light reflected from the interior of the sauna.
Nice work on shading and blending. Looks good.
(5 years and 2519 days ago)Good job. The building and fence are well constructed. To enhance the old photo effect you could add a vignette.
(5 years and 2530 days ago)Good edit. It's much better now.
(5 years and 2584 days ago)Convincing image, well blended.
(5 years and 2584 days ago)Nice image, i like the coloring. It would be nice if you could correct the shadow of the seagull. The shadows on the seagull itself and the skull suggest the light is coming from the left. Light from the back would never create such a shadow on a vertical plane.
(5 years and 2584 days ago)Good concept. Good job on the proportions and composition. I would sharpen the skull and the horns and/or enhance the constrast.
(5 years and 2584 days ago)Nice blend of images. I like the coloring; it looks like old photos.
(5 years and 2594 days ago)Good idea, only it would have been better when the edges of the couple were blurred a bit.
(5 years and 2594 days ago)Nice drawing work, but the image needs a background other than a color gradient.
(5 years and 2595 days ago)If you would extend the lines of the tiles on the floor, they would cross at horizon level. This means you would need to see also the upper side of the fireplace.
(5 years and 2595 days ago)I like like the setup in the background. Well done.
(5 years and 2596 days ago)I like the idea. Nice work
(5 years and 2596 days ago)pl lxp ppxl xlp xx .... Guess i need some more letters. Good thinking, nice shot.
(5 years and 2596 days ago)Elegant image, well made.
(5 years and 2596 days ago)Nice work on the hairs and the coloring. I would preferred a little more space at the side she is looking to and less space at the top. The image is a little too static now.
(5 years and 2596 days ago)Apart from that it looks good.
Glad i looked at the SBS, since this is a very good job. Nice work on the constuction of the canoe and the blending of the sources. I think the image would have more impact if you had cropped it to the right and decreased the blues in the sky.
(5 years and 2596 days ago)Apart from some perspective problems a great scene. Looks like a lot of work!
(5 years and 2596 days ago)Well blended, good pick of sources. The simple division into two planes works very well.
(5 years and 2597 days ago)Convincing looking animal. Good job on the blending of the horns and the color matching.
(5 years and 2597 days ago)Good job on the blending. It would be nice if you could add a highlight to the tail.
(5 years and 2597 days ago)Interesting combination of species, good matching proportions. The background could use a little blur to make the creature more standout.
(5 years and 2597 days ago)You need a slightly bigger bowl to keep those in the living room! Great imiage, well blended!
(5 years and 2597 days ago)Good find, but the lighting is a little odd. Warm sunlight from the left and moonlight from the back.
(5 years and 2600 days ago)Despite all its fiercy weaponry he looks quite nice. Great concept, well executed!
(5 years and 2600 days ago)