343 comments given:
no avatar
eco says:

This is disturbing in so many levels. love it.

(5 years and 2282 days ago)

Something  lost in translation
no avatar
eco says:

author: What camera, settings did you use? - if you can remember...

(5 years and 2282 days ago)

Mirror of mom with piano
no avatar
eco says:

bit blurry imho

(5 years and 2282 days ago)

The keyboard
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eco says:

Author, a quick question, a "Bayan", is the same as an accordean?

(5 years and 2282 days ago)

Russian bayan
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eco says:

I couldn´t agree more.

(5 years and 2282 days ago)

paper clips
no avatar
eco says:

Hey Charlie Parker... great jazz...

(5 years and 2282 days ago)

find the odd ones
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eco says:

Author, carefull here "No other parts of humans or animals allowed". and remember, dogs dont have feet, they have paws

(5 years and 2295 days ago)

His Only Front Foot
no avatar
eco says:

Mmmm, be carefull author, the rules says "foot or feet", not shoes.

(5 years and 2295 days ago)

Slow day at work.
no avatar
eco says:

@ how many tries was these achive?

(5 years and 2314 days ago)

Blue wave
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eco says:

Luv the JW Glass

(5 years and 2314 days ago)

Blue is the color
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eco says:

Ahhh you kill me with B&w...

(5 years and 2314 days ago)

Ring drop
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eco says:

Fantastic how you didn´t break the glass

(5 years and 2314 days ago)

Euro splash
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eco says:

Can this be consider a corridor?

(5 years and 2329 days ago)

Bike Path?
no avatar
eco says:

Author I luv your answer. lol.

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

Hey author, think you are not allowed to use "selective colour" tools in your entries.

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

blue steel
no avatar
eco says:

You found the same legos, hahahaha

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

Little Windmill
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eco says:

that´s on theme and outside the box, well done

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

Was this "random" or was is a set up photo...?

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

Pumpkin Season
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eco says:

Mmm after looking at the comments, I find out is not my monitor. A bit small the image, a shame, cause with better resolution I bet is a great shot.

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

What are the cups suppose to be?

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

Excelent... really movie like forest... great shot.

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

Transylvanian Forest
no avatar
eco says:

has a "tron" like feel to it.

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

Author, did you use some kind of filters in this pic?

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

Spring in infrared
no avatar
eco says:

Many of us, need a good brain start monday morning..

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

Great catch, where did you find this?

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

man& woman
no avatar
eco says:

mmm what kind of hand tool is this?

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

Don´t wanna be rude, but IMHO if you had taken of the top part of the bikini, it would of been a great shot. Again imho.

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

a reason for everything?
no avatar
eco says:


(5 years and 2331 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

Nice shot... really well done

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

Ligther on the side lol

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

body art
no avatar
eco says:

Is this allowed, doesn´t goes against the rules???

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

Entry number 89538
no avatar
eco says:

nice sleave

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

what a fun tattoo

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

I bet you that guy is a hard core catholic (sarcasm) hahahahaha

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

no avatar
eco says:

tattooing. is tha spell right?

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

Tattoo shop
no avatar
eco says:

Luv the the a.. i mean the tatoo.

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

My Smile is a rifle
no avatar
eco says:

Why b&w

(5 years and 2331 days ago)

Foamie leg tattoos
no avatar
eco says:

that´s a helmet not a hat... come on...

(5 years and 2345 days ago)

Name that Tune
no avatar
eco says:

the A/C Unit just kills me hahahaha

(5 years and 2394 days ago)

Plaza Del Altozano balconies
no avatar
eco says:

Hey author, nice shot, but I think is best if you remove the "facebook" link, in consideration of keeping the contest anonimuos.

(5 years and 2440 days ago)

Watching the stars
no avatar
eco says:

Really creative the title play on words

(5 years and 2440 days ago)

Only thing missing is U
no avatar
eco says:

I bit blury on the right side...

(5 years and 2441 days ago)

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.....
no avatar
eco says:

Very nice this one

(5 years and 2442 days ago)

The Three Mate
no avatar
eco says:

Thanks, very creative

(5 years and 2448 days ago)

Alien atmosphere
no avatar
eco says:

Luv the title

(5 years and 2449 days ago)

Turtle Party
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eco says:

Would like to see sbs before I vote.

(5 years and 2449 days ago)

Alien atmosphere
no avatar
eco says:

Very outside the box

(5 years and 2453 days ago)

to found a family
no avatar
eco says:

Sorry about my dislexia, I´ve read the comment again, and the Directors Name is Almodovar, not Aldomovar...

(5 years and 2453 days ago)

Tarus the BULL
no avatar
eco says:

Great song

(5 years and 2454 days ago)

With Arms Wide Open - Creed
no avatar
eco says:

I´m sure i´ve seen this is an Aldomovar film.

(5 years and 2454 days ago)

Tarus the BULL