Those days.. in the wonderful Island.

For: religious houses at night contest
For: religious houses at night contest
Please take into consideration, that this was taken from very far away... By the way, my kid sister is the one in pink.
For: group photos contest
Chilling by the malecon...
For: group photos contest
Inside one of the most historic cathedral of my homeland.
For: architecture contest
Actual picture, no cropping done, taken in a side street in Havana.
Monseniur Romero is consider the Saint of Latin America and the Moral leader of my people, brutally assesin in 1980
For: city bw 2 contest
One of the Central park of my capital city.
For: city bw 2 contest
This was taking in the Indian national museum, i´m so glad that a camara can only capture an image, cause the smell, was... mmmm...
Taken in a coffee bean plantation in 2009. Santa Ana, El Salvador.
For: national geographic contest
"If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know." - Louis Armstrong JOJAZZ 2012, Habana, Cuba.
For: favorite quotes 2 contest
"I'll play it first and tell you what it is later." - Miles Davis Trumpet player in the JOJAZZ 2012 Festival, Habana, Cuba... he´s only 17 years old!!!
For: favorite quotes 2 contest
For: starbursts contest
This was taken in a photography course. Hope it meets the theme
For: minimalism 3 contest
So here is one more neon hard rock cafe sign.
For: neon signs 2 contest
For: selective coloring 2 contest
Picture of the stain glass taken inside a chuch.
The oldest budda tablet..
For: carvings 2 contest
From inside the great Taj Majhal.
For: framing 2 contest
Taken in the pond at the national wildlife safari, in El Salvador.
For: wild contest