272 comments given:
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Where are the sources, author? SBS?

(4 years and 274 days ago)

sphynx bartender
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Great work!

(5 years and 1617 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

Fabulous work with the water reflection!

(5 years and 1617 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

How beautiful!

(5 years and 1618 days ago)

Foamy Bubbles
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Stunning - yowser!

(5 years and 1619 days ago)

Back Home
avatar elemare
elemare says:

LoveLoveLove. How much? Let me say I saved this into a folder called "Genius of Others."

(5 years and 1619 days ago)

Entry number 91870
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Funny - and remarkable photo of the meerkat!

Perspective and the perception of depth or distance can be tricky to achieve. If the reflectors next to the meerkat are resting on a table, they would appear a little more skewed (shorter and wider) instead of perfectly round. Consider playing a bit with their shapes under Perspective or Distort or Skew options under the Edit > Transform menu in Photoshop. If not for this contest, perhaps for future works. To me, right now, the objects appear to be hanging on a wall, not resting a table. And if it is a wall, then the meerkat is suspended mid-air. Does that make sense to you?

(5 years and 1619 days ago)

Do You Think I Have Talent?
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Nice job, author!

(5 years and 2234 days ago)

Game over
avatar elemare
elemare says:

*sigh* a cornucopia of talent and memorable art.

(5 years and 2234 days ago)

A New Horizon Awaits
avatar elemare
elemare says:

This is terrific. : )

(5 years and 2236 days ago)

The Big Goodbye
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2373 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

Author, although challenging and certainly old, perhaps your chosen source is too lined and too gritty-looking to effectively convert the face to a younger age without over-processing it beyond human appearance. The overly-illustrative quality of your work is too jarring to be against the real photo, split-screen style. In addition to benefiting from skin textures with shadows and light, the drawn character should (but does not even) retain the original eye color, and the entire drawing raised up a few pixels to provide more symmetry with the physical features on the photo side. Although I say basically the same thing as CMYK46, hope you are not as sensitive to this comment.

(5 years and 2392 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

Very believable. Just wish you'd made the wheel round.

(5 years and 2449 days ago)

Sunday Afternoon
avatar elemare
elemare says:

I'd be happy with a round rotted tire. Love your background, don't care for the soft cut / mask around the car part. The background is clear and sharp around the car part. It would be nice to have a better match.

(5 years and 2449 days ago)

Rail patrol
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Seems some links to your sources are broken?

(5 years and 2485 days ago)

Cherry Boom Boom
avatar elemare
elemare says:

This is beautifully done, author. The dial is amazing work.

(And not what I thought it was at all, LOL. With the USA election results still fresh in my mind, when I first saw this at a distance, it REALLY looked like President Obama and a dispenser of birth control pills. But that's not a movie - that's reality.)

Great job and good luck!

(5 years and 2658 days ago)

You Think This is Staged?
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2659 days ago)

Dragon Bride
avatar elemare
elemare says:

If the bottom of the sweater were done differently, this would have gotten a higher score from me - I like this concept.

(5 years and 2661 days ago)

Hoodie Girl
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2680 days ago)

 The Dawn of the 41st Day
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elemare says:

No, you came in third. That earns you a blinky "TOP THREE" award.

(5 years and 2680 days ago)

T Robot
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2687 days ago)

Leg Lamp
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2687 days ago)

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elemare says:


(5 years and 2687 days ago)

Flooded Pass
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2687 days ago)

Fuzzy,Sleepy Owl
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2687 days ago)

T Robot
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2687 days ago)

Steampunk Survivor
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2687 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

Beautiful, excellently executed and blended. Your perfect masking work can be fully appreciated in high resolution! If anyone wonders what a perfect extraction looks like, look here. Here is your goal.

Now here's my challenge, author, LOL: let the sky show through that softly sheer lace edge.

(5 years and 2687 days ago)

Soar Like An Eagle
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Nice water effect! (Guess I need to get myself one of those programs!!) Perhaps you would consider matching the color of the water to the rest of the sky. Notice the blue (from the original sky) in the reflection, like a halo around the boat, and how it ends rather abruptly. There is nothing in the sky that would cause the water to change color.

(5 years and 2687 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

You've got the makings of a beautiful piece here. Couple of points: 1. Ditto CMYK. Either find a real one, or make this one look more real. 2. Masking of the model could use some improving to soften sharp points. 3. The sky would not pass in front of the tree, so you might want to erase the sky there. Good luck!

(5 years and 2687 days ago)

taking a break
avatar elemare
elemare says:

I'm sorry this entry came in so late; with a little tweak of lighting it might have been even better than it is. Your model choices are great (love the expression on the standing model) and the background is nicely colored. However, your characters do not have any of that beautiful light on them. The table/slab is bright, but the dead princess's body doesn't cast a shadow onto it nor do her clothes (nor the standing queen) have any golden highlights from the bright center light. Good luck, author!

(5 years and 2688 days ago)

she will die
avatar elemare
elemare says:

I really like the owl (left ear could have used a little more color blending), but I think the stretched/smeared sections of tree detract from the rest of the work on the tree. Good luck!

(5 years and 2688 days ago)

Fuzzy,Sleepy Owl
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Ugh! The dreaded "flatten layers" Oh well. You're welcome.

(5 years and 2690 days ago)

Leg Lamp
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Yes, shadows. Using a regular Photoshop drop shadow effect is a good place to start, but does not work well to cast realistic shadows on different level surfaces. :\

The shadow under the left foot would "fall off" the edge of the wall and bend downward and curve a little to conform to the shape of the surface. That particular shadow would be darker and "sharper" at the foot and be a little blurrier or softer toward the toe because of the distance from the source/foot.

For the right foot, see how the original jug's shadow starts underneath the jug itself before stretching left. The right foot, too, needs a very close/narrow shadow under the boot itself, then stretch left, like the jug's shadow. Be careful not to make the shadow too "tall" or too far under the bottom of the boot or it will look like it's floating.

Hope this helps.

(5 years and 2691 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

Nice blend. However, this character is simply way too gigantic for the scene. There is not enough distance - implied or actual - between her and the closest car in the background, or balance between the size of "yellow lines" in the street compared to her shoe next to them, to justify the degree of disproportion. I'm not suggesting she should be humanly proportionate, just not so gigantic for the surroundings. A very easy fix would be to re-size the background larger.

That may be taste, but this is technical: the shadows are cast in the wrong direction for the light pattern on the legs - all you have to do is look at the real shadows in the original to see that the light on the legs is coming from the front, not the back, as your added shadows imply. To fix this, you can darken the front of the legs and brighten the back of the legs. Or you can try flipping that background.

(5 years and 2691 days ago)

Leg Lamp
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Congratulations, spaceranger! Great job, it was my favorite!

(5 years and 2693 days ago)

The Inheritors
avatar elemare
elemare says:

There is something very appealing or intriguing about this. But I have some issues: I find the car on the surface inappropriate considering they do not float and we can see the water is very deep (and you already have one submerged - great job!) The submerged person is too "bright" and sharp compared to the underwater scene. The waterfall implies two levels of water, with the rush coming toward the us; if true, that would require a large corresponding splash on farthest part of the left building, too, to show that forward movement.

(5 years and 2694 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

It appears to me that the ground shadow does not quite match the girl. We see one of her arms but not the toy head or her other arm. What am I missing? I can't mentally picture how that shadow could be cast...

(5 years and 2694 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

eeeeew , LOL! I realized that's not a very helpful comment, so here's the critique: Great blending, author!

(5 years and 2696 days ago)

Cutie Pie
avatar elemare
elemare says:

Oh I am lovin' this!

(5 years and 2696 days ago)

Alice in Pixel Land
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2701 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

This was my favorite. Congratulations for top 3 win!

(5 years and 2701 days ago)

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elemare says:


(5 years and 2701 days ago)

The Thinker
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2701 days ago)

Why Do Birds Have Feathers
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2701 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

I like this, but I might have tried to blend out the same sand spatter pattern - that's the giveaway that it's a copy and flip - and perhaps add more of the bright light reflection on the bottom half, like the original. Good luck!

(5 years and 2701 days ago)

where did the time go
avatar elemare
elemare says:

This is very well done - the blurs, the shadows. Good luck!

(5 years and 2701 days ago)

Psstt.. "0000" tht
avatar elemare
elemare says:

I like the style that's used.

(5 years and 2702 days ago)

avatar elemare
elemare says:

Yahoo! Congratulations!

(5 years and 2708 days ago)

True Colors
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elemare says:


(5 years and 2708 days ago)
