1257 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

Right on target... super on theme... happy dance happy happy joy joy

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Chrome cherry
avatar Siminho90
Siminho90 says:

nice!! good job!

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Chrome cherry
avatar animmax
animmax says:

Very nice indeed.. I am not sure - but your edges might be a touch sharp? I am not great at working with chrome, but you have done a great job!

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Chrome cherry
avatar arkncheeze

LOL... I wanted to write "Hey... you missed chrome some part of the cherry..." But then I looked properly, and realized it was a reflection of the adjacent cherry... You fooled me man... Nice work

(5 years and 3900 days ago)

Chrome cherry
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Awesome high res! And good reflections!! High marks all around! :p

(5 years and 3901 days ago)

Chrome cherry
avatar nishagandhi


(5 years and 3901 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar nishagandhi

looks real

(5 years and 3901 days ago)

avatar chakra1985


(5 years and 3903 days ago)

avatar zatrix
zatrix says:

more work on lips and eyes needed imo

(5 years and 3903 days ago)

avatar zatrix
zatrix says:

nice work, albeit overdone a little )))

(5 years and 3903 days ago)

avatar genuine2009


(5 years and 3903 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar genuine2009

nice baloon....

(5 years and 3903 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar animmax
animmax says:

Great idea - right on theme..

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar devangel
devangel says:

LOL. very nice idea. great.

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar nishagandhi

great job

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

hold on tight!
no avatar

Good one.......well job Author.....G/L.

(5 years and 3904 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar gopankarichal

nice idea

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar gopankarichal

welldone author. belt also should be up

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:


(5 years and 3905 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:


(5 years and 3905 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar werner
werner says:

nice looks great

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar werner
werner says:

love it very good

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

hold on tight!
no avatar

younger maybe, scarier? DEFINATELY!! GL!

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

no avatar

her eyes are a bit odd, but on the whole, like author said, If u just concentrate on the after, she doesn't look to 'weird' or 'alienish' at all!! I've seen worse in real life!! Good Luck Author!

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

ROFL Golem, a most excellent comment!

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar Christy
Christy says:

Hilarious!! Great Job

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

note to self.. keep all my pets AWAY from Helium

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar Christy
Christy says:

LOL....Great Image...Very Funny

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Where's the rest of the kid below the wing?

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

This is very whimsical, and well done! I don't think the sign is a problem...good luck!

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar kathryntoo

I love this! There is so much going on here, and it all works for me. Great job on the choice of the boy in the reflection and the skill used in the transparency. His eyes might be looking a little more toward the dog, but that's getting close to being nit-picky. Great choice of clouds. Really fun. Best of luck.

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar kathryntoo

HA! Very good. You made me smile. I love the smile on the girl, too. Excellent use of the theme. The child, leash, and dog all look convincing. The only problem I have is with the sign. The text is right on, but the size/distance seems a bit off. Great job. Good luck.

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar Tuckinator

really like it

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

hold on tight!
avatar Tuckinator

i like the reflection

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

what is he gonna do with it when he catches it lol

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

WHERE'S THE HUMOR BAR!!!! AWESOME take on the theme.. good luck.. very very very funny (And I know a LOT of dogs that would do this if they could LOL)

(the face on the reflection is to die for LOL)

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

the anti gravity hound
avatar Ory
Ory says:

Good Luck

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3906 days ago)

avatar sosipatra
sosipatra says:

i agree she looks like a alien

(5 years and 3906 days ago)

avatar CSevrip
CSevrip says:

Very nice.You do ur best i think...Im sure this is difficult

(5 years and 3906 days ago)

avatar CSevrip
CSevrip says:

nice transformation..but she like alien woman

(5 years and 3906 days ago)

avatar gopankarichal

good change, change hair style also

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

avatar gopankarichal

change is good, but how can you change the scull size?

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

no avatar
Menelve says:

her eyes do look a bit stretched, but I like what you've done here!

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

avatar rad54
rad54 says:


(5 years and 3907 days ago)

avatar Christy
Christy says:

Great Job on this...IMO it looks like she has had a face lift..like her eyes are being stretched back from her temples...Good Luck

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

I think you squished her too much...she lost her dignity somewhere inbetween these two pics...now she looks fake.

(5 years and 3907 days ago)

avatar LKY
LKY says:

....very drastic changes....can't stop laughing....

(5 years and 3909 days ago)

avatar seatsgraphixdesign

all im sayin is WOW

(5 years and 3909 days ago)

avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

You should turn his hair into some color to fit his young face ^.^

(5 years and 3909 days ago)
