87 comments given:
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

just... wow. Really beautiful.

(5 years and 3125 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Oooo, I really like the texture of the tangerine slice. It looks so soft and delicate.

(5 years and 3240 days ago)

orange slice
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Funny concept, gave me a giggle. Work on blending the snow and tone down the colors and contrast on the snowboard guy. Try matching the red on his pants to the red in the orig picture, maybe that will help.
Great work!

(5 years and 3240 days ago)

You are late!
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Funny concept, gave me a giggle. Work on blending the snow and tone down the colors and contrast on the snowboard guy. Try matching the red on his pants to the red in the orig picture, maybe that will help.
Great work!

(5 years and 3240 days ago)

You are late!
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

This picture is awesome! I love the mood and the color work.
After looking at the hi-res though, the perspective between the sheep and the backpackers looks off; right now they appear to be the same distance from the viewer, but I think that if you made the sheep a little further away, it would be more believable. Right now, the backpacker and sheep are competing for attention... if that makes sense.
Great work!

(5 years and 3240 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

I love this, made me smile several times.

(5 years and 3487 days ago)

pineapple frog
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Omigosh, that is fricken awesome. At first, I was like, "dude, where's the source picture?" Then, I took a look at the SBS, step 8 looks like crazy time. GJ!

(5 years and 3497 days ago)

Public transit Sux!!!
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

I am very picky about giving out really high scores, and this got one. Really excellent work, the high rez is definitely worth a look.

(5 years and 3504 days ago)

rise up
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

I love the mood here. Great imagination! Wish there was a hi rez pic.

(5 years and 3505 days ago)

Waiting for the flying fish
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

I like how the negative space flips back and forth with the positive space.

(5 years and 3505 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

This one has a nice feeling.

(5 years and 3505 days ago)

Up, Up, and Away
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

This one made me smile.

(5 years and 3505 days ago)

A Squirrel
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:


(5 years and 3505 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Wow, pretty fricken neat! The high rez is definitely worth a look; great attention to detail.
I do agree on Gareth's kite comment.

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

Separating Nature
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Wow, gave me chills, really beautiful.

(5 years and 3521 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Nice mood. I wish there were more elements used from the source image.

(5 years and 3576 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:


(5 years and 3576 days ago)

Chasing my strangled Kite
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

I love the texture. Good job at the plastic/clay look

(5 years and 3576 days ago)

The world is your oyster...
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Neato! I'd like to know how you did it though. I'll hold my vote till we get the SBS.

(5 years and 3576 days ago)

Eye gymnastics
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

I love the one reading, very engaging.

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Very cute!

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

I like the colors here, looks like a toy land or something. It would be nice to have some folks reacting to this huge sun guy walkin down the street.

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

Good morning, Sunshine!
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Very creative!

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

Elvis in the sky
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

I love the way the brain looks around the thumb. Nice colors. Good job!

(5 years and 3596 days ago)

find an idea
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

This one's fun; you captured a good mood.

(5 years and 3597 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Lovely. It looks like a painting. Very clean.

(5 years and 3597 days ago)

My egg
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Awesome! Did the pic justice.

(5 years and 3597 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Fricken awesome

(5 years and 3603 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Beautiful work. Something about the face doesn't feel right to me though, just a little too hazy or something, would like to see you choose dark or light on the face. The work on the fabric and the atmosphere is excellent.

(5 years and 3605 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

I really liked this, but then I took a look at the high rez and was a lil disappointed by the halo around the tuba player and the lighting on him doesn't match the room as well. If you just fixed those few things, it would be super awesome! Nice work otherwise, fun atmosphere.

(5 years and 3605 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Awww, now I gotta think of something else to do . Nice work!

(5 years and 3605 days ago)

In the neighbourhood..
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

You gotta look at the high rez, the low rez has weird lines in the background. Nicely done, looks like a watercolor painting. I just wish the seam in the middle was a little less pronounced.

(5 years and 3605 days ago)

strawberry cake
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Haha, nice!. But the third dog over has this highlight that doesn't make sense in the picture and the lighting on the doberman face is more flat than the others. GL!

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Very cute. I'd like to see the rope make sense. It would be just one big 'U' I think, with the cat at the lower most point, or kind of a \_/ shape. GL!

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Love the colors here. UPon looking at the High res, I think the figure could be better blended into the overall image, she/he looks pasted on.

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

Another Roswell
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Awesome! I love the juxtaposition of the mirrored buildings with the UFOs.

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

Only in LA
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Haha! Simple and clever.

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

waiting 4 the prez
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

very clean work and nice composition.

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

Crop Circling
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

This totally messes with my mind. Great job!

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

Climbing.....err up?
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Whoa! Well done.

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

Magic Mirror
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

LOL, that's what I have to say about this, nicely done, pretty flawless.

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

Now landing could be ...
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Simple, but smart.

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

I think it's a beautiful image. Apparently there's a bunch of people here who have seen a "real ufo" and claim that this doesn't look like one. I will attest that I have never seen one and for all I know this is exactly what a UFO looks like.

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

When did Photohop coontests become about realism? You could make a doghouse out of an apple if you like. :P

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

Not an Apple Day
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Nice image, but would have liked to have seen the source image used more.

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

Hole in a Rock
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

That's awesome. I wish the background were different. The quality of the picture is kind of bad, but you kept true to it with the Photoshopping, so to me, the illusion looks very real.

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

This scares my brain.

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

Rear View
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

That is really cool, however, I wish the baby were in the same focus as the rest of the picture. Everything has a nice Gaussian blur to it and that baby is just crystal clear. Evening out the tones and sharpness of the three main items would really add to the painterly quality of it. Nice job overall though for sure!

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

At the Beach
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:

Cute, gave me a giggle

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

Mommy....Where are you
avatar elinoree
elinoree says:


(5 years and 3635 days ago)

the race