
For: garden contest
Working on sbs :-)
sourses. thanks to CGTextures http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=14137&PHPSESSID=ec791023fffd3f0a0206367075d900ef thanks to jvangalen http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1196982 thanks to Kaliyoda http://www.sxc.hu/photo/336112 thanks to redvisualg http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1179488 than...
Source image and Photoshop
For: kitchen view contest
Spring winds call Soon the dragonflies Thank you to Lucretia-stock and Alegion-stock! Sky overlay image is my own - see SBS Step 2. Permission for stock use SBS Step 8. Tried sugge
For: mixed manipulations 1 contest
Thanks to michaelaw
For: old bench contest
...the ceiling is the limit! Thanks to: - Imageafter.com; - Lev Dolgatshjov and Christophe Schimid @ Photoxpress; - cienpies, lusi, COBRASoft 2heads Advertising, weewillyd and jana koll @ RGBStock.
For: no gravity contest
You never know what kind of surrealism can come out of some pictures.
For: old bench contest
For: pink floyd tribute contest
For: dust bin contest
Two sources, Photoshop and Illustrator
For: dust bin contest
PHOTOS IN THE SBS ARE ALL MINE (STEPS 1-13) source and my photos
this eagle warrior generates organic weapons with its energy beam on his hand...
For: warriors contest
Once he was state-of-the-art but now he's just left to rust all alone... Source only.
Just source
For: butter cup contest
I was in a hurry to finish it in time..., So, It didn't came out as I expected..,
For: warriors contest
Blood angel collects the blood from the devils to help resurrecting the good spirits... I can't finish the whole piece as I wanted, so I just choose a part to do, really in hurry :(. I'll take a flight in some minutes, so I just try to finish this work, sorry for the lacking of SBS steps
For: warriors contest
Made in photoshop. Needed some anatomy references, but final design is all my own. Please see in high res before you vote, thanks.
For: warriors contest
Standing about two feet at the shoulder and about 4 feet from beak to tip of tail, the house dragon is not a pet for the faint of heart. At hatching, they bond for life with their owners and, being both loyal and fearsomely protective, "outsiders" must be introduced slowly and with caution...
For: fancy bulbs contest
blood dripping from her lip is a brush
Why always cowboys? These guys look nicer and are probably meaner. Thanks to mjranum-stock and LongStock from DeviantArt.
For: wild west contest
Indians must have been so happy in their beautiful lands before white men came. Thanks to thivierr at flckr.com for the Indian and horse sources; thanks to vauvau at flckr for the beautiful misty woodland photo.
For: wild west contest
Have wanted to try to do a wood carving for sometime, so here it is. It's a challenge, but everyone should try this sometime. Thanks to cgtextures.com (cesar vonc) for the wood background photo. No other sources were used. Hope you will check out my SBS, too.
For: buffalo contest