Inside a room...
...the ceiling is the limit! Thanks to: -; - Lev Dolgatshjov and Christophe Schimid @ Photoxpress; - cienpies, lusi, COBRASoft 2heads Advertising, weewillyd and jana koll @ RGBStock.
For: no gravity contest
...the ceiling is the limit! Thanks to: -; - Lev Dolgatshjov and Christophe Schimid @ Photoxpress; - cienpies, lusi, COBRASoft 2heads Advertising, weewillyd and jana koll @ RGBStock.
For: no gravity contest
Don't play in the attic. You can find a nasty surprise... Thanks to: - dcbprime @ Flickr; - dirtypaper and obyvatel @; -
A pathway to nowhere, a just started soft rain and a lonely Pierrot... Thanks to LongStock @ Deviantart and tanakawho @Flickr.
For: pathway contest
Thanks to: - antoine perroud, Karsten Fischbach and GeoM @ Photoxpress; - babasteve and webtreats @ Flickr.
For: bearded man contest
"Take those stickers off of me! It's getting cold, I'm going home..." Thanks to V~Man and Royalty-free image collection @ Flickr.
For: buffalo contest
And insane... Thanks to: - iluvrhinestones and webtreats @ Flickr; - bury-osiol and Willymann @; - mconnors @ Morguefile; - gabriel77 @ RGBStock; - Mark Manalaysay @ Stockvault.
For: red shoes contest
Thanks to: - starush @ Photoxpress; - demordian @; - BlueGum and TACLUDA @ RGBStock.
For: puppetize me contest
A human-like puppet - or a puppet-like human... Thanks to: - Frenk_Danielle Kaufmann @ Photoxpress; - xymonau @ RGBStock. Reference tutorial:
For: puppetize me contest
The title is just a hint; guess it... Thanks to: - ugaldew, demordian, patita_rds, vierdrie and tvvoodoo @; - TACLUDA, hisks and MeiTeng @ RGBStock.
For: band visualization contest
They come from a land down under... The title is only one of the hints!... Thanks to: - Hermés and Jeremy Burgin @ Flickr; - SatellitesW and Alessandro @ RGBStock.
For: band visualization contest
A maiden with mythic creatures (updated). Thanks to: - Theheijt @ Stockvault; - Lara604 and Henrik THorn @ Flickr; - TACLUDA and scottmliddell @ RGBStock; - Andrey Kiselev @ Photoxpress.
For: horse mania contest
He tried to forget her but he couldn't. Then he looks for her wherever he goes... Thanks to: - David Niblack @; - Jaci Berkopec @ Flickr.
For: petra contest
Your destiny's book is open; it's plenty of surprises... it's up to you following its teachings and making good use of them. Thanks to: - David Niblack @; - lusi, saavem and vivekchugh @ RGBStock.
For: keys contest
It's known that Elvis was a truck driver before becoming the King. Maybe he has taken a French leave and got his truck again... This was very simple: a masking for face and some colors adjust... Thanks to cliff1066 and JeHu68 @ Flickr.
For: elvis lives contest
Thanks to: - scottsnyde @ RGBStock; - Pavel Losevsky @ Photoxpress; - Ernst Vikne and Love the 214 @ Flickr.
For: heaven contest
Inspired by the song "Wierd Science" (Oingo Boingo). Thanks to: - kgreggain and tracynban @; - geloo, lusi and bies @ RGBStock; - neil conway and geishaboy500 @ Flickr.
For: keys contest
Religions apart, I do believe every souls, after accomplishment of their tasks, go to a wonderful place, where there's no war, no violence, no fear, no starvation, no suffering, no pain. Just peace, serenity, love, friendship, justice. A place where nobody needs to be in a hurry, to be worried. A pl...
For: heaven contest
The steampunk robots are coming... Thanks to: - Catherinette Rings Steampunk, Tinkerbots and christophercarfi @ Flickr. The key words I used for research were "steampunk robots".
For: flickr ratatouille contest
The wedding... Thanks to: - Corbett3000 @ Flickr; - scottsnyde and xymonau @ RGBStock; - treyvone @
Wishing the words reach the beloved... Thanks to: - lusi, just4you, Ayla87 and Lajla @ RGBStock; - skechie @ Flickr. Edit: Changed the paper...
What's happening? Why the albatrosses are coming to our direction? OMG!... Thanks to: - hisks @ RGBStock; - click @ Morguefile; - Andrew Girdwood @ Flickr.
For: white bird contest
Thanks to lusi @ RGBStock.
For: cubism contest
He wants that one... Thanks to richard ling and Nick & Whitney @ Flickr.
For: white bird contest
Thanks to eelke dekker @ Flickr.
For: hair closeup contest