13 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Drivenslush

Very well done.. like adult swim without all the sillies LOL.. good luck

(5 years and 3077 days ago)

Mila arrived in Millenium City
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Very cute, author. The bugs' construction reminds me of the old Cootie Bug toys.


(5 years and 3163 days ago)

Manuka Bugs
avatar Concrete
Concrete says:


(5 years and 3166 days ago)

The Fifth Element
avatar aheman
aheman says:

1) add 'lighting' effects for the bugs based on the sun position
2) fade the bugs shadow near the bottom of the picture
3) add plant n signage shadows
4) add a gradual tone for the sky
5) make the sizes of the birds different to indicate distance
6) make the ground a little ruggard, now too 'smooth' and straight

nice concept

(5 years and 3166 days ago)

Manuka Bugs
avatar Nickk
Nickk says:

Great thinking !

(5 years and 3168 days ago)

The Fifth Element
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Wonderful minimalistic design

(5 years and 3170 days ago)

The Fifth Element
avatar spaceranger

Love that movie! Really nice entry! The speckles of stars in the background are a nice touch!

(5 years and 3170 days ago)

The Fifth Element
avatar DanLundberg

Simple and straightforward is good, except I think you wimped out on that with the pale gray instead of text-white for the bull silhouette and border which reduces the overall impact as a result IMO.

(5 years and 3182 days ago)

N. Bull Breeding Association
avatar freejay
freejay says:

Should of been top 3...... someones the voting on these competitions really puzzles me )

(5 years and 3204 days ago)

Guns n
avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:

very very cool...gl

(5 years and 3205 days ago)

Guns n
avatar Drivenslush

very fun

(5 years and 3206 days ago)

Guns n
avatar nanaris
nanaris says:

very good idea!

(5 years and 3206 days ago)

Guns n
avatar woodztockr

Love the band, love the image, love my .50 Desert Eagle.... Great composition author!

(5 years and 3208 days ago)

Guns n
avatar Androla
Androla says:


(5 years and 3209 days ago)

Guns n
avatar kayaklovergirl

the flower looks good

(5 years and 3709 days ago)

Vampire Lady
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Was her last victim a red robin? Because it doesn't look remotely like blood on her chin and lips, more like feathers. This really does resemble too many entries.

(5 years and 3712 days ago)

Vampire Lady