64 comments given:
avatar farsite
farsite says:

i do like the final image, but don't like that the bristles are just textured, no real modelling. the reason they look so real Mossy is because they are real. also, is adding the bg image in photoshop allowed? guidelines say it should be on a plane in your modelling software. And the shadows conflict with the background image shadows - Anyway, thats the negatives.

On a brighter note, the street lights look cool.

(5 years and 3063 days ago)

Giant Brush
avatar farsite
farsite says:

nice, but your cup spoils the anonymity of the contest.

(5 years and 3067 days ago)

Paint Brush
avatar farsite
farsite says:


(5 years and 3068 days ago)

The bright idea
avatar farsite
farsite says:

yes, very good. but that desk is waaaaay too tidy. I like how the 3d light shines down onto your mouse mat.

(5 years and 3080 days ago)

The bright idea
avatar farsite
farsite says:

Thats better!

(5 years and 3085 days ago)

Old Hustler
avatar farsite
farsite says:

Great, but the sbs is impossible to read!

(5 years and 3086 days ago)

Mimicing Matka
avatar farsite
farsite says:

Nice, but I would adjust the uvw map of the floor so that the tiles on the right are not cut in half.

(5 years and 3086 days ago)

Old Hustler
avatar farsite
farsite says:

Looks good, but you have missed all the cuts for the door and hood.

(5 years and 3107 days ago)

avatar farsite
farsite says:

Looks good, I would suggest some kind of supporting frame for the dome on top of the building - until I looked at the SBS I couldn't tell it was a dome I just thought that was the shape of the roof.

Shadows could be a bit darker too

(5 years and 3109 days ago)

avatar farsite
farsite says:

Mine is the 2006 double cab. Thanks

Sent you a PM

(5 years and 3119 days ago)

Dacia Duster
avatar farsite
farsite says:

very good. if I really had to pick fault, the seam above the front fog light looks a bit out but I know how hard they can be to get right, you can spend ages tweaking only for it to look even worse in the final render.

Still a great model though!

I dont suppose you have blueprints for a Nissan Navara D22 do you? I have the real thing and now I want to model it - Yeah sad I know.

(5 years and 3119 days ago)

Dacia Duster
avatar farsite
farsite says:


(5 years and 3125 days ago)

On Track
avatar farsite
farsite says:

Well done with second place.

(5 years and 3152 days ago)

avatar farsite
farsite says:

I agree with MossyB on this, same goes for the tail part, that also looks "wonky"

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

Papa Uniform Five Five Yankee
avatar farsite
farsite says:

very nice! the pilot looks a little small though

(5 years and 3157 days ago)

avatar farsite
farsite says:

great render, love it!!

(5 years and 3282 days ago)

avatar farsite
farsite says:

"the model should only be partially shown with the rest in the shadows" hmmmm.

its a great pic though, would be nice if the crema on top of the coffee had a heart in it maybe like those clever barista's do in Barca.

I started work on a scene for this contest but abandoned it (too busy) but it was more along the lines of your interpretation than the "monsters" idea.

anyway good luck with it, and I'm only gonna knock 1% off my vote for it

(5 years and 3289 days ago)

Morning Glory
avatar farsite
farsite says:

this is a really nice render, but I'm struggling to see where the theme comes in.

(5 years and 3289 days ago)

Morning Glory
avatar farsite
farsite says:

Congratulations - That was a close one!!

(5 years and 3292 days ago)

Boat Beach
avatar farsite
farsite says:

The wood looks great, but whats going on with the things where the oars go, the chrome looks awful imo.

(5 years and 3299 days ago)

Boat Beach
avatar farsite
farsite says:

excellent!! only complaint would be the chain not quite resting on the clock, but thats just me being picky.

(5 years and 3308 days ago)

Clockwork Orange
avatar farsite
farsite says:

love it!!

(5 years and 3319 days ago)

Red pencil
avatar farsite
farsite says:

very very good! top job

(5 years and 3320 days ago)

Barricade???? What barricade?