Pixels are everywhere!!! Also Wheels!!!
For: steinbach contest
Pixels are everywhere!!! Also Wheels!!!
For: steinbach contest
No external sources. * Do not look at the SBS!
For: swan closeup contest
No external sources.
For: peacock contest
"You say: 'Look at him! Disgusting caterpillar!' But you all love butterflies - don't you?!" * No external sources.
For: blue bicycle contest
Before pxleyes was photoshop for me only for this kind of works. Tnx for you there is no picture anymore which can not inspire me.. * Used lots of Selection and Healing Tools. Here is nothing special to show in SBS..
For: blue bicycle contest
"Hah.. didn't get much from this one..."
For: anorexia contest
No external sources.
For: chandelier contest
No external sources.
For: dwarf contest
No external sources.
For: dwarf contest
No external sources.
For: dwarf contest
No external sources. No filters. Look SBS!
For: gas burner contest
'You said - this is the floating one... this is a BLOODY TREE!!!' * no external sources.
no external sources. SBS in progress.
no external sources. SBS took time, becouse files were too informative... :)
For: wheel bug contest
"...WHAT the RAID is THIS???!!! (letmeask) is this a... BUUUG???!!!" * no external sources.
For: wheel bug contest
no filters used. no external sources. look HR and SBS!
For: wheel bug contest
'So... What's the Plan?' * no external sources.
For: doggy toy contest
no external sources.
no external sources.
For: wet leaves contest
"You!!! You bloody little cheater!!!" * no external sources.
For: balloons contest
no external sources.
For: wild tree contest
No external sources. Look SBS!