18 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar drskn08
drskn08 says:

kool... wanted to see such films.. no doubt that subject is wet

(5 years and 3117 days ago)

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Simple and very nice =)

(5 years and 3118 days ago)

Stairs in shadow
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

great shot, just wish we had a High Res

(5 years and 3118 days ago)

avatar chellej
chellej says:

Great capture. Would have loved to have seen it in high res thou.

(5 years and 3119 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Nice. The B&W helps

(5 years and 3120 days ago)

Stairs in shadow
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Very cool. Be nice to have a high res. I would suggest cropping some from the left and the bottom to get rid of that tree. Then you'd just have that great white on black pattern with greys from the shadow.

(5 years and 3120 days ago)

Night light
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

great shot, well done

(5 years and 3120 days ago)

Night light
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

great shot, well done

(5 years and 3120 days ago)

Night light
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Wonderful, subtle color tones, fabulous focus!

(5 years and 3123 days ago)

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Great lighting, great focus. Nice shot!

(5 years and 3123 days ago)

avatar Remsphoto
Remsphoto says:

Looks like the pool hall verion of the famous "American Gothic" couple. Good shot.

(5 years and 3124 days ago)

avatar Momof4boyoboys

Love the shadows on the stairs. Great photo!

(5 years and 3125 days ago)

Night light
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

Not really a big fan of water drops and flowers unless they are this nice. Would really be nice if there was a high res however.

(5 years and 3126 days ago)

avatar deringer
deringer says:

I like it! Where's the hi-res?

(5 years and 3126 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Looks like they're losing. (Nice shot, though)

(5 years and 3130 days ago)

no avatar

This is great, I love the expressions on both their faces.

(5 years and 3130 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Was he humming because he didn't know the words?

(5 years and 3140 days ago)

humming bee
avatar cocor
cocor says:


(5 years and 3141 days ago)

Margraten I
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

I think it is fine the way it is

(5 years and 3141 days ago)

I stopped an old man along the
avatar RIPSAW
RIPSAW says:

(5 years and 3141 days ago)

Margraten II
avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

Beautiful shot, almost looks 3D..Well done!

(5 years and 3142 days ago)

Margraten I
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I think if you only bump the contrast it's going to blow out the upper right - I think I might play with curves a little. Nice subject though

(5 years and 3143 days ago)

I stopped an old man along the
avatar Artifakts
Artifakts says:

IT's a nice shot,but ... I don't know if you'll understand what I mean, but IMHO, it needs more contrast. It's too "Grey", not enough Black and White ...

(5 years and 3144 days ago)

I stopped an old man along the
avatar Stoli4naq
Stoli4naq says:

lovely capture ...am also thinking black and white. good luck author

(5 years and 3144 days ago)

Margraten I
avatar McCormick
McCormick says:

Beautiful capture.. Earned a Fav 8)

(5 years and 3145 days ago)

Margraten I
avatar McCormick
McCormick says:

Great perspective.

(5 years and 3145 days ago)

Margraten II
avatar UncleJimmy

Nice composition and angle author...well done

(5 years and 3145 days ago)

Margraten I
avatar hereisanoop


(5 years and 3150 days ago)

Biking downwards
avatar lordymail
lordymail says:

Congrats! she got some speed )

(5 years and 3151 days ago)

Biking downwards
avatar madamemonty

Congrats, very nice work

(5 years and 3151 days ago)

Biking downwards
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Very well executed

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

Biking downwards
avatar UncleJimmy

nice balance to this one, love the symmetry...it's not often you can pull-off having your subjects in the center of the frame and keep it interesting, here, it works very well...nice capture

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

avatar fatz8016
fatz8016 says:

i think this is a great image..the sources u used are just perfect for the image..good job and good luck author

(5 years and 3156 days ago)

Biking downwards
avatar cocor
cocor says:

Interesting symmetry.

(5 years and 3156 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Good image! Are the photos yours? If not, please post source links for them. GL author.

(5 years and 3158 days ago)

Biking downwards
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:


(5 years and 3160 days ago)

avatar karaflazz
karaflazz says:

It's a bench.

(5 years and 3160 days ago)

avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Nice Congrats

(5 years and 3180 days ago)

Black eyed vampire
avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

I love this photo, great color scheme and mood.

(5 years and 3186 days ago)

avatar Teebone100

gorgeous photo

(5 years and 3187 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

looks very peaceful, but can't tell the quality without a high res

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

avatar Teebone100

Very well done!

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

Black eyed vampire
avatar Teebone100

OH jeez :P

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

avatar Teebone100

very interesting

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

avatar Justache
Justache says:

The water is so still! Beautiful shot!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

avatar Momof4boyoboys

hehehheee Friiskiwi.....and I agree! ...And by the way author it is "over the top"

(5 years and 3193 days ago)

avatar jerostone
jerostone says:

Let her devour me! A most wonderful way to go!

(5 years and 3194 days ago)

Black eyed vampire
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

or... move to the right or left to get rid of the buildings, and the white and red sign could have merged with the moving train to make a pretty cool abstract

(5 years and 3194 days ago)

speeding through meadows
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

this is definity weird, and for once I'm pleased that there isn't a a High Res.

(5 years and 3194 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Please can we have a High Res?
Go to MY Stuff
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and you just need to tick 'Also save full resolution image.'
If your image is already of a good size, between 2-3MG you won't need to upload a new copy.

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

Black eyed vampire