leaky roof

but than who cares, it (nearly) never rains in Kolmanskop
For: shadows 3 contest
but than who cares, it (nearly) never rains in Kolmanskop
For: shadows 3 contest
For: shadows 3 contest
For: intentional camera motion contest
An orange ladybug is looking at an aphid on a weed stem.
For: orange contest
right after it rained, there is no pedestrian walking down the sidewalk exposure time:2 sec. f/8 iso 200
Chocolates and champagne
For: sweets contest
For: fruits and vegetables contest
Jerrod Niemann in Kansas City "Good Ride Cowboy" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KihOy-OgSN8#!
For: county music contest
It was a hot night so me & my friend went for a walk on the park... We where talking & making jokes when i saw H E R ... What a beauty... That body....sexy like HELL!!!! I couldn't take my eyes of her.... A real femme fatale! Just a composition a made with a couple of pears i bought from th...
For: fruits and vegetables contest
Take from ground level up towards the light with a reflector to light the underneath of the fungi in situ.
For: mushrooms 2 contest
For: photo tournament 4 round 1 contest
Feeling like a bug ...
For: mushrooms 2 contest
For: instrument play 3 contest