
My favourite little bird, they always seem so friendly, when you walk through the bush they fly around you, very close to you. All because you are stirring up the insects for them.
For: birds 3 contest
My favourite little bird, they always seem so friendly, when you walk through the bush they fly around you, very close to you. All because you are stirring up the insects for them.
For: birds 3 contest
For: beards and mustaches contest
Taken from the car after the road was re-opened.
OK, this one is kind of cute, but I HATE the actual bird.
For: re-gifting contest
The weather here is perhaps not as extreme as in many of the other entries. However I feel for this couple it is, imagine travelling to a tropical island to get married in the sun on the beach, and this is what you get.
For: beards and mustaches contest
My hometown is famous for it's year round Saturday Market. Apart from very wet days it's always busy, but in the summer it's extra full of life, locals and tourists. Fresh fruit and vegetables, local art, buskers and a place to meet friends.
For: city bw 2 contest
For: re-gifting contest
One of the great things about living here is the moderate climate and our lovely beaches, that never get crowded.
For: city bw 2 contest