kettle is boiling

For: steam contest
The kiwi is a national symbol of New Zealand, and the association is so strong that the term Kiwi is used all over the world as the colloquial demonym for New Zealanders. Kiwi are flightless birds endemic to New Zealand, in the genus Apteryx and family Apterygidae. At around the size of a domesti...
For: Photo Tournament 2 Round 3 contest
Overseas birthday call from his son.
For: communication means 2 contest
For: focus stacking macro contest
From the link given under National trees; New Zealand – Silver fern Cyathea dealbata, or the silver tree fern or silver fern (kaponga or ponga in the MÄori language), is a species of medium-sized tree fern, endemic to New Zealand.It is a symbol commonly associated with the country both...
For: Photo Tournament 2 Round 3 contest
Universal Studio's theme park
For: amusement parks 3 contest
a great part of summer
For: summer love contest
Love seeing the flowering baskets going up at the start of each summer. The baskets are sponsored by the council and shop owners. They stay up through to Easter, it's always sad when they are taken down.
For: summer love contest
For: flower girl contest
Have a look at the sign on the door in High Res
19 images
For: focus stacking macro contest
For: communication means 2 contest
For: amusement parks 3 contest
For: Photo Tournament 2 Round 2 contest
Not sure what they are called, but the flowers are only about 5mm across.
Too may bad choices in the past, the future doesn't matter.
For: paulo coelho quote contest
How high the moon Does it touch the stars How high the moon Does it reach out to mars Though the words maybe wrong to this song We're askin how high high high high is the moon Ella Fitzgerald