Winter wind

For: one tree contest
For: alleyways 2 contest
I have had this for longer than I can remember it came from my grandmothers house, perhaps even her mothers. It was certainly dirty and dusty, but this contest got it all shined up.
For: old school 2 contest
Burnt shell of National-Democratic Headquarters in Cairo.
For: urban decay contest
For: nail varnish contest
I got this camera when I was in my early teens, I have taken many great photos with it. It hasn't been used for years, but I'm still very fond of it.
For: old school 2 contest
For: max color 2 contest
This is precious to my husband. It was given to his mother, by her mother when she was a little girl. It was broken by my mother-in-law, who was severely scolded and told that was totally unacceptable behaviour. The French inscription translates to; "if you wish to live in total peace, Yo...
For: old school 2 contest
For: fire wood contest
For: alleyways 2 contest
For: max color 2 contest