
2 month rain in 24 hours, around 150 people were evacuated from their homes and there have been reports of more than 70 land slips. Nobody will not buy those millionaire homes, which are about to get a closer view of the sea.
For: disasters contest
For: everything fish 2 contest
For: honey contest
Probably the only building with a corner stone around here.
Can't throw this one away. We were visiting an Air Force museum, and when I turned around, there was my 70+ husband getting out of the cockpit, Never thought, he would try to get his old 6'3" frame into that. Must have thought he was 12 again.
.. honey than vinegar. These ants were tiny, about 2mm long if even that.
For: honey contest
For: everything fish 2 contest
For: everything fish 2 contest
For: christmas dislike contest
I had hoped for some really great star photos, as this place is renowned for it's clear skies, but it was blowing a gale and I really didn't get anything worse keeping, but.....
The spot where you can see 3 pyramids. Panorama.
For: pyramids contest
For: christmas dislike contest
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
For: street performers 2 contest