
6 sec, f11, ISO400 Please check the High Res
For: time lapse 2 contest
6 sec, f11, ISO400 Please check the High Res
For: time lapse 2 contest
Phil Collins: They come from miles around just to hear him play He's on the same street corner almost every day And there's always a crowd wherever he goes And when he blows his horn, well everybody knows I only wanna see him play All the girls 'n' boys they wanna see him play Nobody else t...
For: song lyrics contest
155sec, f 4.5 ISO 400
For: time lapse 2 contest
and try it all.
For: hangover contest
Destiny's child Happy Face; I woke up this morning, The sunshine was shining I put on my happy face I'm living, I'm able, I'm breathing, I'm grateful To put on my happy face
For: song lyrics contest
Abba You are the dancing queen, young and sweet,
For: song lyrics contest
Came across this one on a walk this morning. I was fasinated by the colour.
For: l is for contest