9 comments given:
avatar gabs44
gabs44 says:

man, really nice work BUT u should have put it on on a leaf or something close to this, instead of a black background.

(5 years and 3522 days ago)

Bulb Insect
avatar gabs44
gabs44 says:

soooo creative. Great work.

(5 years and 3526 days ago)

Tractor and Trailer
avatar gabs44
gabs44 says:

hahaha, thanks, i had a great laugh.
i just can imagine the speed the slugs are running ...

(5 years and 3527 days ago)

Slug Race
avatar gabs44
gabs44 says:

great but way too simetrical ...

(5 years and 3528 days ago)

Kitty Kat
avatar gabs44
gabs44 says:

simplest but nicest.
your work is worthy.

(5 years and 3528 days ago)

Dark metal cheetah
avatar gabs44
gabs44 says:

by far the best entry yet in this contest.

(5 years and 3528 days ago)

avatar gabs44
gabs44 says:

man, u rock

(5 years and 3529 days ago)

And Winter Came...