Glass by glass

Credits: night_fate
For: four glasses contest
Credits: night_fate
For: four glasses contest
Just the Liquify filter and Eraser, with a bit of Clone Tool and Paintbrush to fill in small bits and edges.
For: black helmet contest
I saw all the subtle but wonderful textures and shinny parts of the helmet and decided to make some sort of robot woman. Everything is made from the helmet, minus the pieces of glass which is just used pen tool. I did use one source for the body position, but you can't actually see any of that actua...
For: black helmet contest
Thanks to: eastop: house1 mattox: house2 nadia a: mountains Edit after entry was removed by moderator: Step 12 of SBS corresponds to 4 step, I've used a bricks image (I've got rights to use)
For: black helmet contest
For: black helmet contest
source combined with my Picture
For: pashmina contest
The return Of KING PONG!
For: gorilla contest
source and PS
For: yellow leaf contest
For: swirly contest
A tattered edge design.
For: pxl on tour contest
Thanks to Dave Rogers for the source photo.
For: yellow leaf contest
Meet Amandine, the Parisian, Moulin Rouge themed, fashion doll. Be sure to check out the SBS guide to fully appreciate this piece.
For: dolled up contest
Who knows what lurks beneath the waves in toy land!
For: rubber ducks contest
thanks to the following for stock:
For: tilted bulb contest
thanks to jaskier for suggesting this image for a contest
For: tilted bulb contest