Together in all senses !

Magic wand, transform tool, paintbrushes, adjusts
For: for two contest
Magic wand, transform tool, paintbrushes, adjusts
For: for two contest
Transform, deform, eraser tool, blur tool
Magic wand, eraser tool, adjusts, transform, paintbrushes
For: uphill contest
Duplicate, transform, adjusts
Magic wand, eraser tool, paintbrushes, blur tool
For: with ears contest
Images, transform, adjusts, eraser tool
For: beaver tails contest
Images, eraser tool ,magic wand, paintbrushes, transform, adjusts, filters
For: stairway to contest
Images, magic wand, filters, transform
For: big foot contest
Images, eraser tool, blur tool, layers style, paintbushes
Images, eraser tool, magic wand, blur tool, transform, deform
Transform tool, deform, adjusts, filters, eraser tool
For: spoon bill contest
Magic wand, eraser rool, brushes, blur tool, layers style
For: foot tattoo contest
Transform, deform,eyedropper, eraser tool, adjusts, layers style, paintbrushes
For: old lighter contest
Images, paintbrushes, blur tool, eraser tool, eyedropper
Images, magic wand, eraser tool, adjusts, blur tool
For: swiss border contest
Magic wand, duplicate, transform, image (fish eye), layer style
For: fresh veggie contest
Images, layers, magic wand, erase tool, eyedropper, adjusts
Images, magic wand, adjusts, filters, erase tool, blur tool
Images, Magic wand, eraser tool, filters, adjusts
Images, magic wand,eraser tool, blur tool, filter (watercolor)
For: round metal contest
Images(Mona Lisa, Penelope Cruz),eraser tool, Magic wand, eyedropper, blur tool, free transform, filters(texture), adjusts