31 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1596 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

hehehe, I totally missed the little mousy at first, threw it over the top when I saw the High res LOL Great work!

(5 years and 1597 days ago)

avatar Verikakis
Verikakis says:

Nice work author!!

(5 years and 1597 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Similar values in foreground & background don't help the figures to stand out, also some blur on background might help.

(5 years and 1598 days ago)

no avatar

good feedback so far author. I look forward to seeing the changes you make. I think Skogan has covered most of what would improve your image. Love the concept and how you have used the image to make it your own.. all the best.

(5 years and 1636 days ago)

No exit?
avatar hereisanoop


(5 years and 1637 days ago)

avatar hereisanoop

The shadow shoudn't be there on 'right leg/knee and face. I think the image without that shadows/dark shades will fit with whole lighting. Good luck

(5 years and 1637 days ago)

No exit?
avatar Drivenslush

Lots of fun

(5 years and 1637 days ago)

No exit?
avatar Skogan
Skogan says:

Nice job If I may offer some advice? You should be a little bit more consitent with your water reflections I think. The boat reflection is distorted and that is a nice touch but then all of your reflections should be the same. You have very sharp reflections under the shoe and under the boat but basically the whole image should be reflected equally in the water.

I really like how you did the water over the shoe!

You have a bit of a conflicting lightsource in the picture with light coming from the right on the gnome and from the left on the boat.

Anyway, nice image and good luck!

(5 years and 1637 days ago)

No exit?
avatar Chalty669
Chalty669 says:

Really nice 3d image you started with. Although I must say I do very much prefer the second or third image in your sbs. I think after those steps your image became harder to read, maybe because of the darkness. Also I really didn't notice some of the nicer details, such as the birds until I enlarged the image. Would've been cool to see a camel or something in step 2 of your sbs, or a greater focus on the birds. Even if they were closer in the final composition. Overall good job, and good luck!

(5 years and 1644 days ago)

Blue birds
avatar CorneliaMladenova


(5 years and 1647 days ago)

Blue birds
avatar Drivenslush

Hot DOG! Reminds me of Fractals

(5 years and 1647 days ago)

Blue birds
avatar robvdn
Moderator says:

Don't worry about removal, it won't happen
Thanks for taking the time and entering!

(5 years and 2262 days ago)

Just before switch off the light
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Fab. All the best.

(5 years and 2262 days ago)

Just before switch off the light
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

hmm I always thought buoy was the stuff used in ocean for markers and marking of anchor and crab pots locations. I heard that in some place fishing floats are also called fishing buoy. But Swimming floats or Swim Rings ?

Oh well good job . The only thing you missed is the ring ridge seams where they heat sealed the air filling assembly piece to the plastic sheet that make up the tube. Its generally about 1/2 inch around the blow tube. on the one I have seen.

(5 years and 2400 days ago)

avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:

I love it, well done!

(5 years and 2403 days ago)

Electric shoes
avatar gibbsld
gibbsld says:

This is fantastic work - It is clean and very creative - the blending work is superbly done and the layout and color scheme are really well thought out. One of my favorites.

(5 years and 2405 days ago)

Electric shoes
avatar Ivanildo
Ivanildo says:

very well done, congrats

(5 years and 2406 days ago)

Electric shoes
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Very cool

(5 years and 2407 days ago)

Electric shoes
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Great render, very funny

(5 years and 2428 days ago)

no avatar

Author!!! Fantastic job! Now I can cast my vote! I am very glad that I was able to help you. I am not a 3D master, or anything. But I have been in school for animation for a while, which is why you don't see a lot of entries from me. I just don't always have the time for my own projects. But I like to see what other people have submitted and critique them, and see others' critiques. Makes my own projects better. I hope that this was a good experience for you, too!

(5 years and 2431 days ago)

no avatar

Author. I found it. It's called caustics. Look that up and see if it is something that you would like to add to your image to make it better. If not, the image is pretty good. But caustics gives light that quality it has when it passes through a refractive surface, like water or glass and lands on another surface, in this case the book.

(5 years and 2432 days ago)

no avatar

I know what it is, but I have forgotten what it is called. I will find it and tell you.

(5 years and 2432 days ago)

no avatar

My only concern is that that red book seems to be reflecting the glasses. It shouldn't be reflective at all, I don't think. There should be shaddows cast on the book, and the light passing through the lenses should be show on the book like in the source image. But your book is oddly reflective for the material it is made of!

(5 years and 2432 days ago)

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Pretty good job, the lantern and sword certainly add something to the pirate atmosphere. Good luck!

(5 years and 2437 days ago)

The dream
avatar madamemonty

Congrats Gedup , I love all the detail, very well done.

(5 years and 2471 days ago)

no avatar
hoore10 says:

Nice job

(5 years and 2493 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Gedup looks great

(5 years and 2513 days ago)

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

Congrats with this first place, well done

(5 years and 2513 days ago)

no avatar
binder1 says:

very nice

(5 years and 2516 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Gedup very nicely done

(5 years and 2527 days ago)

avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Love the humor!

(5 years and 2535 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

Congrats gedup looks yummy

(5 years and 2541 days ago)

avatar Chrys Rizzo

Congrats for the nice composition!

(5 years and 2546 days ago)

islandic journey
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Very creative, GL

(5 years and 2546 days ago)

Do not open..
avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 2554 days ago)

islandic journey
avatar kcinsti
kcinsti says:

Needs a bit of extra masking and shadows etc, and some matching of sharpness, but cute!

(5 years and 2559 days ago)

islandic journey
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

5.3. Use of Personal Images as Source: If you use your own personal images, the uncut source must be placed in the step by step with an explanation that it is your image.
Go to My stuff>My contest entries>Edit entry.

(5 years and 2561 days ago)

islandic journey
avatar madamemonty

Congrats fabulous work

(5 years and 2562 days ago)

Hoops pop
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Great looking render.

(5 years and 2565 days ago)

Hoops pop
avatar ghandpivot

Looks good, I love the glass' texture!

(5 years and 2566 days ago)

atomic blue lemon
avatar pikkar
pikkar says:

wow its awesome. you could change the bg. nice work

(5 years and 2567 days ago)

atomic blue lemon