Under the bridge

For: macro and close up contest
"i'm just going to sit here"
For: macro and close up contest
Thanks to Marcus Ranum and his model, Amber G.
For: Ps Tournament 6 Final contest
For: a door for giants contest
Please have a look at the hi-res for details. Resources continued: Gun: http://www.flickr.com/photos/angieandriot/2119864425 Thanks to Angie Andriot Choker: http://mantisred.deviantart.com/art/steampunk-choker-74827154 Thanks to mantisred Glove: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mattmendoza/483646...
For: Ps Tournament 6 Final contest
For: a glass of contest
Large image, many details.
daylight scene to night time.
For: lighting fixtures 2 contest
have no fear Robo-warrior is here
For: cyborging contest
i always wanna do something like this :)
For: cyborging contest
Thanks to Jacob Gube, flickr, for the pic of the clouds. Thanks to The Paesell Family, flickr, for the pic of the mushroom. Thanks to Windell Oskay, flickr, for the pic of the iguanas. Thanks to USFWS Mountain-Prairie, flickr, for the pic of ram. Just a kind of sci-fi work. No one knows what kind o...
For: on jupiter contest
\" what happened to little wolfy..? \" Thanks to mithgariel-stock, :devEirian-stock: and ' FantasyStock for nice images.
For: Ps Tournament 6 Round 3 contest