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avatar TheWinningStar

I like it. Very relaxing.

(5 years and 1016 days ago)

Reading in Barbados
avatar still26
still26 says:

A very nice feeling of relaxation goes with this sunset photo, good entry.

(5 years and 1018 days ago)

Barbados sunset 2
avatar still26
still26 says:

Very soon that ocean, sailboat and all are going to be spilling onto my keyboard. You need to straighten that horizon, I do like the warmth and romantic story your photograph speaks of!

(5 years and 1023 days ago)

Barbados sunset
avatar still26
still26 says:

WHAT WHAT WHAT, do people actually read books, this must have been taken in the '60's. I like this photo because you get the feeling of breezes blowing, the horizon line is dead straight, the reader is totally oblivious of your lens and your exposure is spot on showing an evening scene yet details are present and easily seen. This photo sings out "relaxation".

(5 years and 1024 days ago)

Reading in Barbados
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Angels can be interesting, but generally the horizon is better straight.

(5 years and 1024 days ago)

Barbados sunset