
stick man skater hitting the ramps.
For: chalkboard contest
stick man skater hitting the ramps.
For: chalkboard contest
Tim Burton's character Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. For reference for shapes and colors and look on relative google images.
Hope everyone likes it. Took ages to get it looking OK. Who would have thought it would take that much effort to make a snow globe.
For: snow globes contest
First, I thought of things I could draw using a single line. Then I drew a simple butterfly using pencil. The design of its wings followed- trying to release the artistic strokes and curves that came to my mind. And I traced the whole drawing using black and violet gel pen. I applied pressure on som...
For: oneliner contest
For: water play contest
Miniature Locobot in a Wild West setting. I sketched the legs for the bot using my Cintiq. Using the sketch as a guide, I created a whole lot of paths for all the parts of the legs and used these as vector masks for different parts of the source images. After the legs were blocked in with parts ...
For: steam power contest
Limbo (Latin limbus, edge or boundary, referring to the "edge" of Hell) is an idea about the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the damned.
For: flamingo contest