216 comments given:
avatar gornats
gornats says:

nice mood

(5 years and 3247 days ago)

Stone Travellers
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gornats says:

machine gun looks unfinished.

(5 years and 3253 days ago)

the luner
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gornats says:

by the looks on them faces i guess jupiter let some air out hahaha nice

(5 years and 3255 days ago)

Guardians of Jupiter
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gornats says:

great idea , needs more blending

(5 years and 3374 days ago)

The challenge
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gornats says:

is this a hammer duck plate contest???come on people random objects that's everything

(5 years and 3563 days ago)

Love knows no boundaries
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gornats says:

by the way , reflections and shadows are two different things
1.shadow is cast by an object in a way opposite to the light source.
2.reflection is the object viewed in a reflective surface .
so the reflection is not dependent from the light source, but from the angle of the viewer and the angle of the reflective surface.
So in this case i think the reflection should be almost parallel
....having sad that , the image is great i personally don't care much about reality of the unreal world it looks good and good luck

(5 years and 3564 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

hammer duck hahahaa wow , great combo - needs more blending

(5 years and 3564 days ago)

Hammer duck
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gornats says:

nice dark feel, i don't think his right eye would be visible , maybe one bigger brighter eye would do the trick, good image anyways

(5 years and 3564 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

not happy about position of the claws, otherwise it's nice colorful image

(5 years and 3564 days ago)

Wings of freedom
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gornats says:

oh, this is much better GL

(5 years and 3565 days ago)

Lady (in)... green
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gornats says:

and they all lived happily ewer after, BAAAHAAAAAHAAAAA

nice entry by the way

(5 years and 3566 days ago)

Damn Mark Chapman, Damn Cancer
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gornats says:

excellent poster - great idea

(5 years and 3566 days ago)

Kats Weekender
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gornats says:

great idea- only one thing IMO ,the sky in the winter is clear and cloudy in the spring and on the whole image the mountains don't flow with the rest of the image. suggestion: loose the mountains in the winter or clear up the sky's in the spring

(5 years and 3567 days ago)

Seasons beauty
avatar gornats
gornats says:

it's a great chop, just a little make up on the looms to make perfection

(5 years and 3567 days ago)

Call of the Loon
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gornats says:

i agree with madamemonty , and his front right flipper needs more work, the idea is nice

(5 years and 3567 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

maybe if it was climbing on the pole...nice bird lizard

(5 years and 3567 days ago)

Prehistoric Bird Lizard
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gornats says:

nice and clean

(5 years and 3568 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

looks like SBS step

(5 years and 3568 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

this is pretty much CBR

(5 years and 3576 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

work more, work harder

(5 years and 3576 days ago)

Water Cross
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gornats says:

the raven floats a little , he is in the mist too - just a suggestion nice mood

(5 years and 3576 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

thay both look sad

(5 years and 3764 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

his head is sooo big , he must be smart lol good one

(5 years and 3842 days ago)

Mystical Bird
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gornats says:

just lower the indian to the front edge of the canoe (step 12 of sbs)

(5 years and 3842 days ago)

Open Water
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gornats says:

sweet , reflection is too strong i think

(5 years and 3843 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

try burn/dodge - good idea

(5 years and 3843 days ago)

Flamingo Daisy
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gornats says:

i like this one

(5 years and 3843 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

great idea , just spend more time on it
must have sbs (step by step guide)

(5 years and 3846 days ago)

Balanced Bicycle
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gornats says:


(5 years and 3848 days ago)

Fall Out Play Box
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gornats says:

some light on nose and eyes may work great

(5 years and 3849 days ago)

Wild Dreams
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gornats says:

the reserve wheel is steel pneumatic

(5 years and 3852 days ago)

Truck Carriage
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gornats says:

make the puppy carpet different colour , and drop shadow from the puppy

(5 years and 3853 days ago)

Furry Bed
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gornats says:

dont like coca cola, dont like adverts - any way good chop

(5 years and 3854 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

play with more colours to make the source visible good idea

(5 years and 3854 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

the shadow of the rope is too strong compared with the prison bars cool idea

(5 years and 3855 days ago)

puppet in prison
avatar gornats
gornats says:

hahaha - love it

(5 years and 3855 days ago)

Please Recycle :)
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gornats says:

spooky museum all right it's pretty dark in my opinion

(5 years and 3855 days ago)

Night museum
avatar gornats
gornats says:

good one

(5 years and 3855 days ago)

We are Family...
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gornats says:

great idea maybe the wings should be bigger

(5 years and 3855 days ago)

The Truck Plane
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gornats says:

more like a bread fox

(5 years and 3855 days ago)

Bread man
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gornats says:

if you make the flame head a bit transparrent to see the match , a little more work to look like a real flame - cool idea

(5 years and 3856 days ago)

Flaming mad
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gornats says:

put some lights in his eyes to be more live like

(5 years and 3857 days ago)

avatar gornats
gornats says:

fetus needs a much larger head then body just a tougt - good idea

(5 years and 3861 days ago)

Avocado Child
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gornats says:

should not sign you'r work - for better or for worse it is something to be considered


(5 years and 3861 days ago)
