17 comments given:
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gosseyn says:

I think that if you use no other sources you have to provide a SBS.

(5 years and 661 days ago)

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gosseyn says:

As long as you provide the sources links in the comments, I think you are fine with more than 10 sources.

(5 years and 1111 days ago)

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gosseyn says:

Too bad now after your changes we don't see the pathway in the forest anymore. Now it feels more like a generic background.

(5 years and 1111 days ago)

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gosseyn says:

the middle one is really beautiful, I want to marry her !

(5 years and 1120 days ago)

Welcoming Drink
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gosseyn says:

I thought you would add the ripple as if it was seen from top to bottom, as if the face was getting out of the water.

(5 years and 1131 days ago)

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gosseyn says:

Perhaps I would desaturate the green of the trees a bit, and maybe also apply an artistic filter to them. Also maybe try to make the trees look like it's autumn, or add a little bit of color that would match the color of the sky, or a color that would extend the color of the frog. I like the color of the grass because I feel it matches the rest, it looks like it has been burnt by sunlight..

(5 years and 1131 days ago)

Toad Isle
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gosseyn says:

I like this. I had a similar idea some days ago while contemplating the frog, but now I'll have to find another idea because of you ! . I just have one problem with the trees : they look photorealistic while the rest doesn't (frog and sea).

(5 years and 1132 days ago)

Toad Isle
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gosseyn says:

The background photo you have used looks photoshopped to me. Luminosity between the kids and the dark grey-blue of the rocks and water doesn't seem to match. Also, we don't see their feet and that is suspicious in itself. But I might be wrong.

(5 years and 1135 days ago)

Buddha Bullies
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gosseyn says:

Hi, I don't want to be that guy but... I think you can't use this dragon, it seems to me that it's taken from the tv show and unless you own the rights, you can't use it. Other problems are it is CGI and also you aren't the one who did the cropping around the dragon.. Unless you are that deviant art user ?

(5 years and 1151 days ago)

Born of fire