Stairway To Heaven

The stairway is part of the guys teeshirt, it's in the sbs
The stairway is part of the guys teeshirt, it's in the sbs
f32 / 8sec The sun is behind me obviously but it gives off such beautiful colors at this time over the ocean.
watercolors. (please view in High Res.)
acrylic on canvas
For: hearts td contest
I'm running out of time to submit this entry, so I'm sorry about the poor SBS. Thanks to joeycool10, two-ladies-stocks, Falln-stock on Deviantart and other authors in Flickr for the sources. The source of the man is from the model Jason Baca. I will give the screenshot of the mail he sent to me to...
Thanks to gotmeamuse for the image.
This painting took a very long time. I was unhappy with the lower portion at one point because it detracted from the composition, so I changed it from shear cliff to a more gradual grassy slope with some rocks. There is no reference but memory and imagination. The sky was built from many many layers...
For: paint only contest
just something i was playing around with. No references...all from imagination. Oil Pastels on 18"x24" drawing paper.
For: hearts td contest
I never thought I'd use my own name as an entry. This is my first digital drawing entry by the way.
All other photo stock is my own and in my SBS.
For: blue eye contest
thanks to dollmommy for being my photographer for the reference source :D
woodless pencils and acrylic paint for the heart and chain. The only problem was I only had a very high textured paper
For: hearts td contest
Maria is the name of both the heroine and her robot duplicate in the classic Fritz Lang film METROPOLIS. There are many versions & at least one remake. If you haven't seen any of them, please do. The film techniques were amazing for the time, even ...
For: white eggs contest
due to the lack of hair, our friend gets a little sunburned sometimes
For: hairless contest
I know the shadow is not ok, so any help is welcome.
For: containers contest
18x24 finger smudged oil pastels on paper *no reference* Blue-Period influence
For: picasso td contest
No references used. Just something out of my head with PXL in mind. Picasso? Only if he was a cartoonist. :-)
For: picasso td contest
Painted with Acrylics on 16x20 Canvas.
For: picasso td contest
This was painted in oils on 16x20 canvass. I relate this more to Picasso's abstract era. This was when he really got wild and colorful.
For: picasso td contest
I did this about 5 to 6 years ago when I was just a wannabe on some other site, and didn't know what a pxleyes was. this can be Tin Eyed for proof.
Done in Acrylics
For: shipwrecks contest