Girl With Green Eyes

24x30 Acrylic on canvas
For: portraits td contest
24x30 Acrylic on canvas
For: portraits td contest
Mural painted for a local business approximately 14'x14' They described what they wanted and I painted it accordingly
For: cats td contest
I used Jawshoewhah's photo of himself as inspiration for this painting I did which I then took a picture of and combined with the original source photo with my painting. One of the guidelines for this contest was that it not fit any other contests and surely this must qualify by that standard.
For: mixed manipulations 8 contest
She looks small....
For: comic strips contest
Acrylics on canvas.....sorry bout the crappy sbs but I paint fast and as you can see lots of wet in wet. Its like....drop the brush, grab the camera, pick up the brush......
For: shipwrecks contest
Acrylic on canvas 4'x12'
For: shipwrecks contest
Acrylic on canvas, Messin with perspective under an Iron Maiden influence. Hope ya like it!
For: hearts td contest
My impression of the Grinch. Tripod and remote to get the shot. I paint everything, including me sometimes. And if I can use it to attract attention and more business....count on it!
For: impressions contest
My Wife says its more like "Frosted Flake"!
For: impressions contest
USA Eagle in Gold for California the Golden State
16x20 acrylic on canvas, All Imagination and black n blue!
For: shipwrecks contest
Eat Your Heart Out ! Muh ha ha ha ha ha! 2'x4' Home made canvas. I dunno what I was thinking......
For: hearts td contest
Woodcarving in Humbolt County CA
For: mythological beasts contest
I have several but this is my fav!
For: mythological beasts contest
16x20 acrylic on canvas, No source just went with the flow.
16x20 acrylic on canvas. I remember this from a future I am creating.
Grizelda could hardly wait to feed her new babies some fresh dragon slayer meat!
For: eggs contest
20"x22" Acrylic on canvas. DAVID GILMOUR "There's No Way Out Of Here" (K. Baker) There's no way out of here When you come in You're in for good There was no promise made The part you played The chance you took There are no boundaries set The time and yet You was...
For: music td contest