Blue Dragon

16x20 Acrylic on canvas. No source image. Still working on it so any comments or suggestions are welcome.
For: dragon td contest
16x20 Acrylic on canvas. No source image. Still working on it so any comments or suggestions are welcome.
For: dragon td contest
This is an acrylic painting on a home made canvas. Inspired by the video "I get off" by Halestorm I watched it . I liked it.....I gave it a shot.
For: anime td contest
16"x20" acrylic on canvas
For: aliens contest
My first pencil sketch in years. This site rocks. No reference, just imagination. Couldnt sleep so I added color using soft pastels and then outlined with a sharpie. Just cant cope with no color I guess. I am sure to be finishing this with photoshop.
For: aliens contest
16" x 20" acrylic on canvas.
For: aliens contest
16"x20" Acrylic on canvas, no reference just imagination.
For: christmas contest
My dad used to have Black Moore goldfish when I was a child. This is all just cs4 and I used a Wacom Intuous3 . The only brush i used was the round one.
For: fish contest