Lit Up
The local courthouse at night.
For: mirror image contest
The local courthouse at night.
For: mirror image contest
We like doing these....
For: joy contest
All dressed up before going on stage. Live theater is AWESOME when you are a ham!
For: impressions contest
USA Eagle in Gold for California the Golden State
I think this is perhaps my most colorful painting. Done for Leatherby's Family Creamery
For: max color contest
Mural in Eureka CA
For: max color contest
My Wife says its more like "Frosted Flake"!
For: impressions contest
My impression of the Grinch. Tripod and remote to get the shot. I paint everything, including me sometimes. And if I can use it to attract attention and more business....count on it!
For: impressions contest
She looks small....
For: comic strips contest
First I painted her, then I shot her.....
For: legs contest
This purse was made by my Lady's father before he passed away. He was an excellent craftsman. She used to watch him work on these things as a child and when he died she inherited the tools. This photo is meant to honor her memory of him. The reason for the candle light is meant to represent that le...
For: purses contest
Legal by prescription in all of Canada and about 1/2 of the United States. If you have cancer and you are ignorant about the facts regarding this medicine, you would do well to educate yourself. Ill not say more because I am passionate about this issue and have a fear of my comments being deleted...
For: medication contest
Side effects: You might eat a whole box of cookies by yourself.
For: medication contest
Just in time for this contest. Lunch with my wife and a new lens.
For: sunglasses contest
So there I am, painting a mural for a business today and this puppy is taking a nap on the couch. I thought "pxleyes cute contest!" After posing for several shots he then decided to help me paint and occasionally tried eating me. He was so fun now I want one!
For: cuteness contest
Road construction on 299 No Cal