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This is a shot of a snow drift up against a tree line as soon as I seen it I wanted ice cream and it was 20 below.
For: january contest
One from my water drops collection, hope you like.
For: collisions contest
Red Panda
For: wild animals contest
Got this shot as he was on the move it took a long time and a lot of photos to get the shot but that is what Macro is all about hope you enjoy.
For: macro bugs contest
I got this shot in Tampa Bay Fl the shot is from just under the water line with the reflection of the gator on the under side of the surface of the water
For: symmetry contest
This is the view at Sunshine ski area in Alberta, Canada now this is paradise
For: paradise contest
Heading downtown to work on a dark Monday morning is alway a challenge
For: mondays contest
Lady playing the Bagpipes
Silence in the Rocky Mountains after the snow
For: silence contest
The magic lantern or Lanterna Magica was the ancestor of the modern slide projector which as you know where Silent
For: silence contest
Early uniform of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
For: symbolism contest
A group of lady's with Red Hats
For: candid shots contest
Small creek with water running over the rock bed
For: rocks rock contest
Chinook winds blow the clouds away from Calgary, Alberta
For: scary nature contest