48 comments given:
avatar gustimusprime

that fisherman looks extremely relaxed considering his predicament, good job author

(5 years and 3200 days ago)

are you a friend..?
avatar gustimusprime

thats disgusting and i love it!!!

(5 years and 3273 days ago)

Soup du Jour
avatar gustimusprime


(5 years and 3281 days ago)

avatar gustimusprime

it kinda looks like the one that is in the very specifically themed museum in Amsterdam, good shot

(5 years and 3301 days ago)

Back to time
avatar gustimusprime

super cool image author, i love retro stuff like this, very well done

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

avatar gustimusprime

got it!

(5 years and 3378 days ago)

One Giraffe
avatar gustimusprime

wow thats cool! well done and congrats

(5 years and 3386 days ago)

Lemon Splash
avatar gustimusprime

the good side kinda looks like the singer from My Chemical Romance. good work

(5 years and 3386 days ago)

2 Sides
avatar gustimusprime

i really like this picture, i love the silhouette of the two figures. but i think the moon is just a bit to bright and vibrant, great work though

(5 years and 3388 days ago)

Enjoying moon light
avatar gustimusprime

fantastic work, very creative

(5 years and 3389 days ago)

avatar gustimusprime

why does comedy have nothing to do with it? i liked the image and voted for it because it was funny so comedy can take a big part in the popular vote. and i still dont think that any one should have to censor themselves, if you dont like it, click away and dont vote for it, simple as that

(5 years and 3393 days ago)

Morning Walk
avatar gustimusprime

man i feel sorry for you author, the first picture was cool, it had some comedy in it. it sucks that you got pushed into changing it because of some over pc users. you shouldn't have to sensor your self when you have followed all the rules. keep up the good work

(5 years and 3394 days ago)

Morning Walk
avatar gustimusprime

classic! well done

(5 years and 3395 days ago)

Morning Walk
avatar gustimusprime

really cool idea but i think the mountains shouldnt be as obvious

(5 years and 3417 days ago)

avatar gustimusprime

good one, this should ahve been in the living cartoon comp!

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

Blenders big date
avatar gustimusprime

that freaks me out a bit

(5 years and 3447 days ago)

Kirby at the Library
avatar gustimusprime

well deserved author an amazing image

(5 years and 3448 days ago)

Upside down or down upside
avatar gustimusprime

totally sweet dude

(5 years and 3448 days ago)

avatar gustimusprime

double whammy

(5 years and 3448 days ago)

hey wat
avatar gustimusprime

good work mate! I NEED TP!!!

(5 years and 3449 days ago)

avatar gustimusprime

really cool, well done

(5 years and 3449 days ago)

Betty Boop
avatar gustimusprime

how did you get jack blacks little brother to agree to this? very funny

(5 years and 3461 days ago)

You`re Itching To Buy This!
avatar gustimusprime

cool image author, reminds me of that scene in donie darko

(5 years and 3461 days ago)

The Baby Dreamer
avatar gustimusprime

fantastic work author, i think its time to start the genetic enginering to make it real

(5 years and 3474 days ago)

The Strawberry Giraffe
avatar gustimusprime

fantastic work author, i think its time to start the genetic enginering to make it real

(5 years and 3474 days ago)

The Strawberry Giraffe